A note taking application using Express.JS and deployed to Heroku. Use the application to organise your working day by creating, viewing, and deleting notes. Enjoy!
You can run this application locally by:
- Git clone this repository
- Navigate to the directory you cloned it to
- Enter
npm install
- To start the application server enter:
npm start
- Navigate to http://localhost:3001 in your browser
- Start making notes
Alternatively, you can use the version hosted on Heroku by navigating to: https://note-taker-hw11.herokuapp.com
- Navigate to: https://note-taker-hw11.herokuapp.com
- Click the "Get Started" button
- Add a note by clicking the plus icon in the top right
- Enter the note title and note text
- Press the save icon in the top right
- Delete a note by clicking the red trash can icon next to a note
The application is deployed here: https://note-taker-hw11.herokuapp.com
The following technology stack was used:
- Node.JS
- Express.JS
- Uniqid package (creates a unique string)
- Deployed to Heroku
This project is licensed under MIT.
- Oliver Drew
Not applicable to this application.
If you have any questions please contact me via GitHub or Email