An Android Gradle plugin to remove all Kotlin @Metadata, @DebugMetadata and @SourceDebugExtension annotations from the build output.
Kotlin @Metadata, @DebugMetadata and @SourceDebugExtension annotations are not fully processed by ProGuard / R8 and contain un-obfuscated symbol information, both in binary and plain text forms. This information can be used to more easily reverse engineer your code.
This plugin allows removing all Kotlin @Metadata / @DebugMetadata / @SourceDebugExtension annotations from generated class files. This is safe to do as long as:
- you do not intend to use the resulting binaries as a Kotlin library (@Metadata annotations are used to determine Kotlin function definitions),
- you are not using Kotlin Reflection (certain reflection functionality depends on the presence of the @Metadata annotations).
To use the plugin add the following to your app build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.oliver-jonas.unmeta:unmeta:1.0.3'
apply plugin: 'com.github.oliverjonas.unmeta'
To enable the plugin only for release builds add this section:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if (!taskGraph.getAllTasks().any {'release') }) {
unmeta.enabled = false
println sprintf('Unmeta disabled')
} else {
unmeta.enabled = true
println sprintf('Unmeta enabled')
In the Gradle build log you will see one line for each class where the plugin removed the metadata annotation:
Removed @Metadata / @DebugMetadata annotation from .../MainActivity.class