models a constant function always returning the value v
The functions value can be accessed by providing either zero or one (arbitrary) argument:
f = ConstantFunction(10)
f(3) # 10
f() # 10
It can also be multiplied:
f = ConstantFunction(10)
g = 3*f
g isa ConstantFunction # true
g() # 30
This is useful if you use a type with functions, with a special treatment for constant functions. Here is an example.
struct DifferentialEquation{TF<:Function}
function solve(eq::DifferentialEquation, x0)
# solve x' = λ(x) x
# with initial condition x(0) = x0
# special case of constant functions
solve(eq::DifferentialEquation{<:ConstantFunction}, x0) = exp(eq.λ())*x0