This is a c++ implementation of a Bloom Filter. You can read more about the implementation details in the bloom-filter blog post series.
// Put an element into the Bloom filter
void put(std::string input);
// Check if the item is present
// If true - the item *might* be present
// If false - the item is definitely not present
bool isMaybePresent(std::string input) const;
// Create the filter
int size = 10000; // the size of the filter - i.e. number of underlying bits used
int k = 3; // the number of hashing functions to use
auto bloomFilter = BloomFilter(size, k);
// Put items in
// Check if items are present
bool isMaybePresent;
isMaybePresent = bloomFilter.isMaybePresent("ABC");
isMaybePresent = bloomFilter.isMaybePresent("EFG");
For any bugs, questions or contributions, start an issue here.