#Gravity CSS Framework AUTHOR: Owain Lewis URL: www.owainlewis.com
Creative Commons (cc) Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
Inspired by many great people and projects.
A lightweight but powerful boilerplate framework for building HTML5 websites that uses SASS as the core styling engine.
- HTML5 ready
- SASS support
- Built for rapid prototyping
- Media query framework
- ECMA5 javascript shim
- Shims for HTML5 support
- Pre built css3 mixins
Mobile support/version coming soon.
##Instructions (MAC OSX)
You need SASS installed http://sass-lang.com
- mkdir myproject
- cd myproject
- Copy the framework into your new project directory
- Run this command: sass --watch stylesheets/style.scss:stylesheets/style.css --style compressed
That's it. Enjoy. If you have any questions about this framework email [email protected].