This repository contains programs written for the low-level programming and algorithm track at ALX-Africa SE. In these projects, which occurred throughout the duration of the Year 1 curriculum, I learned about data structures, algorithms, and other low-level programming concepts while working in the C language. The specific list of projects contained follows:
- 0x00: Hello, World.
- 0x01: Variables, if, else, while.
- 0x02: Functions nested loops.
- 0x03: Debugging.
- 0x04: More functions, more nested loops.
- 0x05: Pointers, arrays, and strings.
- 0x06: More pointers, arrays, and strings.
- 0x07: Even more pointers, arrays, and strings.
- 0x08: Recursion.
- 0x09: Static libraries.
- 0x0A: Argc, argv.
- 0x0B: Malloc, free.
- 0x0C: More malloc, free.
- 0x0D: Preprocessor.
- 0x0E: Structures, typedef.
- 0x0F: Function pointers.
- 0x10: Variadic functions.
- 0x11: Custom implementation of the printf function.
- 0x12: Singly linked lists.
- 0x13: More singly linked lists.
- 0x14: Bit manipulation.
- 0x15: File I/O.
- 0x16: implement a simple UNIX command interpreter.
- 0x17: Doubly linked lists.
- 0x18: Dynamic libraries.
- 0x19: Stacks, Queues - LIFO, FIFO.
- 0x1A: Hash tables.
- 0x1B: Sorting algorithms & Big O.
- 0x1C: Makefiles.
- 0x1D: Binary trees.
- 0x1E: Search Algorithms.
- This repository consists of all the Low-level Programming projects done with ALX Africa Full stack Software Engineering course.
All work contained in this project was completed as part of the curriculum for ALX Africa SE. For more information, visit this link.
NOTE : I'm sorry aboout the BETTY STYLE i'll try to fix it soon