Script to generate verified Nike+ accounts using
- All info related to the gmail or custom domain to be used in the accounts, account password, getsmscode account email and api token, those will need to be entered in the nikeconfig.json file. You can open the file in any text editor (like Notepad for example) and edit it.
- First field in nikeconfig.json is getsmsemail, which is the email on your account in
- You can get the API token from getsmscode for your account and enter it in the getsmstoken field.
- The field nikeaccountname is to specify the name you want on the nike accounts.
- nikemainemail is the main gmail address you want to use(i.e it will generate the emails for the accounts using dot trick and plus trick on the gmail) or if you want to use your own domain, enter instead of a gmail address.
- If you use your own domain, enter true in useowndomain field.
- nikeaccountpassword is the password you want on all the nike accounts.
- maxaccounts is how many accounts you want to make.
- savetofile field is to specify the file where all the account info will be saved.
- maxthreads is the maximum number of threads you want to use. (if you are not a programmer and don't understand it, don't bother changing this field).
- proxyfilename is the file where you want the script to load proxies from.
- You can enter US or EU in the nikeaccountcountry field.
- minintervalbetweenrequests is to specify the minimum interval between requests from the same IP, to be safe the default value is set to 1 second, you can change it to 0.5 if you want, but if you get banned, that's on you.
The proxies in the proxy file needs to be in the following format.
That's for http proxy, its similar for socks proxies. Enter one proxy per line.
You will need to install the following modules before running the script:- requests, names, click
So, you can run these commands from the command prompt (assuming you have installed python 2.7 and added the proper folders to PATH):-
pip install requests names click
The place where it all started:
The nike+ account generator in action through a web interface:-