UnitOfWork is a Dot Net Core Library to implemented for unit of work patterns, Query Handler Patter, repository and direct MS SQL queries using dapper.
Use Nuget the package manager to install UnitOfWork.
PM > Install-Package UnitOfWork.Service
using UnitOfWork.Service;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var connectionString = "Your connection string";
// TKey :- Primary column type for your identity tables, ex:- int,string,Guid. It is used for Audit purporse. In Future will create extension to configure audit settings.
//YourDbContext :- DbContext.
//SqlScriptContext:- This is the default ISqlScriptContext you can override and modify according to your need.
services.RegisterUnitOfWork<TKey, YourDbContext, SqlScriptContext>(connectionString);
//Register Unit Of Work with Query Handler Pattern
// TKey :- Primary column type for your identity tables, ex:- int,string,Guid. It is used for Audit purporse. In Future will create extension to configure audit settings.
//YourDbContext :- DbContext.
//SqlScriptContext:- This is the default ISqlScriptContext you can override and modify according to your need.
//TQueryHandlerAssemblyFromType :- Assembly in which all your IQueryHandler Defined so that it can add all the Handlers into DI pipeline automatically
services.RegisterUnitOfWork<TKey, YourDbContext, SqlScriptContext, TQueryHandlerAssemblyFromType>(connectionString);
public class TestController: Controller{
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public TestController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public async Task<IActionResult> TestService()
var countryRepo = _unitOfWork.Repository<Country>();
var country = countryRepo.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 2);
var countries = countryRepo.Where(x => x.Id == 2);
countryRepo.Insert(new Country{ Name = "USA", Id = 2 });
await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task<int> ExecuteAsync(object parameter)
var sqlQuery = @"EXEC [TreeSetup].[usp_RemoveTree] @TreeId = @TreeId";
var result = (await _sqlContext.ExecuteAsync(sqlQuery, parameter));
return result;
public class TestController: Controller{
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public TestController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public async Task<IActionResult> TestService()
//Executing SP or Script for which we dont require any return object
var sqlQuery = @"EXEC [usp_RemoveItem] Id = @ItemId";
int result = await _unitOfWork.ExecuteSqlAsync(sqlQuery, new {ItemId = 1});
//Executing SP or Script for which will return a dataset of a object
sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items";
IEnumerable<Item> items = await _unitOfWork.ExecuteSqlAsync<Item>(sqlQuery, null);
//Executing SP or Script for which will return multiple datasets of different objects, It will return the dataset in the same order QueryItem Passed
sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemId = @ItemId; SELECT * FROM ItemType WHERE ItemTypeId = @ItemTypeId";
var querymapItems = new List<QueryMapItem>()
new QueryMapItem(typeof(Item), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "Item"),
new QueryMapItem(typeof(ItemType), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "ItemType")
IDictionary<string, object> multipleDataSet = await _unitOfWork.ExecuteSqlAsync(sqlQuery, new {ItemId = 1, ItemTypeId = 1}, querymapItems);
var menuTypes = multipleDataSet["Item"].Convert<IEnumerable<Item>>();
var menus = multipleDataSet["ItemType"].Convert<IEnumerable<ItemType>>();
public class TestController: Controller{
private readonly ISqlScriptContext _sqlContext;
public TestController(ISqlScriptContext sqlContext)
_sqlContext = sqlContext;
public async Task<IActionResult> TestService()
//Executing SP or Script for which we dont require any return object
var sqlQuery = @"EXEC [usp_RemoveItem] Id = @ItemId";
int result = await _sqlContext.ExecuteAsync(sqlQuery, new {ItemId = 1});
//Executing SP or Script for which will return a object
sqlQuery = @"SELECT top 1 * FROM Items";
Item item = await _sqlContext.GetAsync<Item>(sqlQuery, null);
//Executing SP or Script for which will return a dataset of a object
sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items";
IEnumerable<Item> items = await _sqlContext.SelectAsync<Item>(sqlQuery, null);
//Executing SP or Script for which will return multiple datasets of different objects, It will return the dataset in the same order QueryItem Passed
sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemId = @ItemId; SELECT * FROM ItemType WHERE ItemTypeId = @ItemTypeId";
var querymapItems = new List<QueryMapItem>()
new QueryMapItem(typeof(Item), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "Item"),
new QueryMapItem(typeof(ItemType), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "ItemType")
IDictionary<string, object> multipleDataSet = await _sqlContext.ExecuteQueryMultipleAsync(sqlQuery, new {ItemId = 1, ItemTypeId = 1}, querymapItems);
var items = multipleDataSet["Item"].Convert<IEnumerable<Item>>();
var itemTypes = multipleDataSet["ItemType"].Convert<IEnumerable<ItemType>>();
This way you can keep your service clean and move all the logic to create/write SP/SQL queries in each Functional Handler
//Query Object to map the public properties with the sql query
public class ItemQuery{
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Name { get; set; }
// Created this to separate the logic for all different type of Entities in a different file. Do not want to overload main service class.
public class ItemQueryHandler :
IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, IEnumerable<Item>>,
IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, Item>
IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, int>,
IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, IList<ItemType>>
private readonly ISqlScriptContext _sqlContext;
public TestDefaultRawQueryHandler(ISqlScriptContext sqlContext)
_sqlContext = sqlContext;
async Task<IList<ItemType>> IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, IList<ItemType>>.ExecuteAsync(ItemQuery parameter)
var sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items WHERE @ItemId = @ItemId; SELECT * FROM ItemType WHERE @ItemTypeId = @ItemTypeId";
var querymapItems = new List<QueryMapItem>()
new QueryMapItem(typeof(Item), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "Item"),
new QueryMapItem(typeof(ItemType), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "ItemType")
IDictionary<string, object> multipleDataSet = await _sqlContext.ExecuteQueryMultipleAsync(sqlQuery, new {ItemId = 1, ItemTypeId = 1}, querymapItems);
var items = multipleDataSet["Item"].Convert<IEnumerable<Item>>();
var itemTypes = multipleDataSet["ItemType"].Convert<IEnumerable<ItemType>>();
foreach (var itemType in itemTypes)
itemType.items.AddRange(items.Where(x => x.ItemTypeId == itemType.Id));
return itemTypes;
async Task<IEnumerable<Menu>> IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, IEnumerable<Menu>>.ExecuteAsync(ItemQuery parameter)
var sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items WHERE NAME LIKE '%@Name%'";
var result = (await _sqlContext.SelectAsync<Menu>(sqlQuery, parameter));
return result;
async Task<int> IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, int>.ExecuteAsync(ItemQuery parameter)
var sqlQuery = @"EXEC [usp_CreateItem] @Id = @Id, @Name = @Name";
var result = (await _sqlContext.ExecuteAsync(sqlQuery, parameter));
return result;
async Task<Item> IQueryHandler<ItemQuery, Item>.ExecuteAsync(ItemQuery parameter)
var sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Id = @Id";
var result = (await _sqlContext.GetAsync(sqlQuery, parameter));
return result;
public class TestController: Controller{
private readonly IQueryDispatcher _queryDispatcher;
public TestController(IQueryDispatcher queryDispatcher)
_queryDispatcher = queryDispatcher;
public async Task<IActionResult> TestService()
//Executing SP or Script for which we dont require any return object
int result = await _queryDispatcher.DispatchAsync<ItemQuery, int>(new ItemQuery{ Id = 2, Name = "Item1" });
//Executing SP or Script for which will return a object
Item item = await _queryDispatcher.DispatchAsync<ItemQuery, Item>(new ItemQuery{ Id = 2 });
//Executing SP or Script for which will return a dataset of a object
IEnumerable<Item> items = await _queryDispatcher.DispatchAsync<ItemQuery, IEnumerable<Item>>(new ItemQuery{ Name = "Item" });
//Executing SP or Script for which will return multiple datasets of different objects, It will return the dataset in the same order QueryItem Passed
sqlQuery = @"SELECT * FROM Items WHERE @ItemId = @ItemId; SELECT * FROM ItemType WHERE @ItemTypeId = @ItemTypeId";
var querymapItems = new List<QueryMapItem>()
new QueryMapItem(typeof(Item), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "Item"),
new QueryMapItem(typeof(ItemType), DataRetriveTypeEnum.List, "ItemType")
IDictionary<string, object> multipleDataSet = await _sqlContext.ExecuteQueryMultipleAsync(sqlQuery, new {ItemId = 1, ItemTypeId = 1}, querymapItems);
var menuTypes = multipleDataSet["Item"].Convert<IEnumerable<Item>>();
var menus = multipleDataSet["ItemType"].Convert<IEnumerable<ItemType>>();
using UnitOfWork.Service;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var connectionString = "Your connection string";
// Using Query Handler Pattern - Use IQuery Dispatcher as as above given example.
// SqlScriptContext:- This is the default ISqlScriptContext you can override and modify according to your need.
// TQueryHandlerAssemblyFromType :- Assembly in which all your IQueryHandler Defined so that it can add all the Handlers into DI pipeline automatically, Ex:- StartUp
services.RegisterQueryHandlerPattern<SqlScriptContext, TQueryHandlerAssemblyFromType>(connectionString);
//Using Direct Query in the services class without Query Handler Pattern - Use ISqlScriptContext as above given example.
//SqlScriptContext:- This is the default ISqlScriptContext you can override and modify according to your need.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.