- What is Client Side MVC
- Browser is server ?
Write code and control the interaction i the browser
What is that i needd from the server ? React Angular ViewJs Backbone
#nuget #maven #pip #npm
node: (yes u use node in javacript for locally testing the applications ) // ng serve npm: (add the modules to the the angular --> Dependencies )
npm install typescript (local install --> own environment)
All the tools you will install as a global install npm install -g typescript (on the global location )
THe TSC Version will tell you the required :- version of you typescript compiler installed :
create a new file example1.ts
console.log("Hello World" )
You did not npm install -g typescript
old prompt close the old prompt
Data types at typescript /// typescript has data types var a: number = 1 var username: string = 'xxx' var password: string = 'xxxx' var x : any = 0 var z : boolean = true;
import { Department } from "./example2";
class Employee { // constructor only called when object is created constructor(public a: string) { console.log("Employee constructor") } /// a method that returns anytype as i did not define one // now defined a return type for the function getMeMoney(): number { console.log("in Employee..") return 100; }
class Manager extends Employee { constructor(public nameofemp) { super(nameofemp); // need te super class constructor to work console.log("Manaager Constructor") }
getMeMoney(): number {
console.log("in Manager")
return super.getMeMoney()+ 0;
} var empinst = new Manager("username"); console.log(empinst.getMeMoney()); console.log(empinst.a) console.log(empinst);
Example of inherintecen and supper // the import import { Department } from "./example2";
/// base class ++ export
export class Employee {
constructor(public a: string) {
console.log("Employee constructor")
getMeMoney(): number {
console.log("in Employee..")
return 100;
/// class with extenstion (inheritence)
class Manager extends Employee {
constructor(public nameofemp) {
super(nameofemp); // need te super class constructor to work
console.log("Manaager Constructor")
// overriden function
getMeMoney(): number {
console.log("in Manager")
// call parent function
return super.getMeMoney() + 10293;
} var empinst = new Manager("username"); console.log(empinst.getMeMoney()); console.log(empinst.a) console.log(empinst); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2 :
- understand what is angular cli
- install a angular cli
- create a new project using the angular cli
- Understand the project scaffolding
- Understand the structure of files and thier contents
- Run the sample application
- Start Angular basics understanding on what is a angular component , angular modules , angular directives, angular pipes services guards intercepts
- new new ng serve , ng build ng generate and related things
What is angular CLI : Command Line Interface :- Using the CLI you can create a project template in angular
npm i -g @angular/[email protected]
ng = > aNGular
- ng new ---> Allows you to create a new project
What has ng new done a) it has created a project folder imdbapp b) inside the folder it has genertated some files and folder node_modules # all the dependencies required are installed in the node module this is how javascript node works :- node_modules
ng version outside a angular project is different --> only gives you the version of the cli
ng version inside a angular project is different --> both the cli version as well as the version of the
angular components framework installed
07/08/2020 10:24 AM <DIR> .
07/08/2020 10:24 AM
.. 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 246 .editorconfig (This is for vscode ) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 629 .gitignore (This if for git not for angular) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 3,816 angular.json (Yes the main angular boostrap file ) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM e2e (Selenium + Jasmin+ Karma + testing) 07/08/2020 09:56 AM node_modules (Dependencies) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 1,307 package.json (What are my dependencies this not angular npm dependencies file) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 1,025 README.md Not angular but sample project description 07/08/2020 09:55 AM src (The main folder this has everything .... ) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 435 tsconfig.json (Configuration about the typescript) 07/08/2020 09:55 AM 1,621 tslint.json (Configuration about typescript linting)what is in my angular.json :-
ng new ## creates a new angular app ng serve ## starts a local development webserver and launches the angular application s ng build ## creates a code for deployment to the production generallly --prod with not generate the .map (Debug files) ng test ## runs testing for unit testing
ng generate What is in my source folder Every angular angular aplication has modules rootModules /
A Moduuel :
The root module is app.module.ts
A modules is collection of all the components of that module a modules is nothing but a namespace :- The module is going act a shell for the following a) Component b) Route c) Directive d) Pipes e) Services f) the files surrounding
A modules can have other modules inside it A module can have components :- Angular Compoents own services own pipes and directive own routes own guards own configuration
How to create a component ng g c will create a component How to add the component to a page a component can be added to any component page so if you want a component to appear inside as speific page you will need to add the component-selector tag in the parent components html file Here in our case we dont have any other component than the root componenet hence we will definitely add the component tthe root compoinent html app.component.html How to understand the component files a component is made of majorly 3 things a) the ts file of the component (Controller file) b) The View (Css and Html ) c) The model is missing ? Controller --> State is alos model state How to use state of the component on the page Declara a variable in the component and once you have the varibale Variable can be used directly in the view {{varible}} ->expression
|--- angular/cli we installed the angular
how to create a new angular project :- ng new
What gets created node_modules (dependencies )//npm i when done it will pick all the module package json package.json --> has the details of dependencies angular.json => instructions for ng serve ng build ng test ng e2e --> its configuration app folder ---> this is your application folder : root module app.module.ts |--- app.component.ts app.component.html app.component.css Each Module is supposed to be registered in the app.module.ts index.html ==-> app-root
Components need to be registered in the module.ts Pipe/Directive/Component/Gaurds
Services : Needs to be provided
PollyFills : Angular to support old browser like Internet explorer or old browsers
Lets add some bootstrap to my page
Step 1 : first download the bootstrap to node_modules in you project folder -> npm i bootstrap
Step 2 : you will need to add this entry in the angular.json "styles": [ "src/styles.css", "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" // add the requried css ],
Step 3 : restart you angular ng serve any changes to the angular.json only impact after relaunching the ng serve
step 4 : Now test you page adding a boostrap class Clickme
Demo Card Layout
Complete angular/cli Complete angular Strcuture Complete angular file system ng serve ng build ng new ng g c (generate component) {{}} --> The expression State in the component Module -> A module is like a package angular.json (How it works) node_modules npm ts Typescript
Component : ts + css + html select tag Environtment Setup / Project Setup / Components General MVC / Using Npm and Other things ng how to add boostrap or any other dependant libraries to our applcation
Data Binding a) oneway ====> from html to Component ts ----> from ts to html b) twoway from both the sides when ever it changes either side it impacts both
Event Binding (clicks , events )
add a new component ng g c ==> Component gets added
find the location where you wish add the component add the selector tag in the html of the parent component ng serve and check if the parent and child are being rendered
Add a Movies state to you movies list movies = ['','','','','']
We are working with a single page application
- The Page is your framework or your application
- thes session is your environment in which application
Is HelloComponent / Appcomponent the Roor The page Root Layout is The AppComponent Route -> Home --> Href ==> HomeComponent About-US ->Href --> AboutUsComponent
index.html =====> component who has selector called app-root AppComponent: app.component.html // view template app.component.ts // state & behaviour app.component.css // l&f
app.component.html ========> component NavbarComponent navbar.component.html / view navbar.component.ts / state & behaviour navbar.component.css / L&F
index.html -> root-component-> Renders and rendes html --> It finds furtther component =--> it renders those in those component if i have component --->
app.module.ts (Repository (All all component in the module)) index.html(app-root) | |-------Root (app-layout) |-------Layout (app-header/app-grid/app-footer) |-------Header (content) |-------Grid (app-comp1, app-comp2) |---------Comp1 (app-movielist) |-----MovieList |---------Comp2 (content) |-------Footer (content)
- ng g c navbar
- ng g c footer
- ng g c layout
- ng g c movieslist
- ng g c moviesdetails
- ng g c movieratings ====================================== AppComponent |-------navbar layout |----- movieslist |------moviesdetails |------moviesratings footer
Data Binding :- from component to page (state) {{}} from page to component (Forms)
Event Binding () movielist == component ngFor == Directive () == event binding {{}} == data binding | === pipe
Component Pipe
How to build to component
How to make use of the pipes | date , curreny , uppercase . ...
How to make use of the components in the page
How to make the components display content and Create Child Components
How to make state binding {{}}
How to make State iteration *ngFor
How to make use of the Action Event binding ()
How to make use of style sheets bootstrap in our code
How to make ng build and deploy it on external server
How to make use of the ng serve to run you applicatiokn
Role of the angular.json
Role of the Typescript
Role of ts files and the html css that make component
What angular cli ng build , ng serve ng g c
What is the use of npm install where -g is global and without -g is local
for project dependencies we should not use -g
for tool and global dependency we should use -g (IF you are installing cli -g is required)
but if you are install a project library bootstrap you dont need -g
We have seen how augury pluging works debug of state + component hierachy
We have also seen we can type script debug if --prod is not enabled and allow map files
We have how to make use css and use of the component css and we have not create component roles
navigator / footer / layout / movieslist / moviesdetails .... (Component model)
We also seen what is module
Collection the components, the import of moudles
|---- Modules
a) Declares components
pipes, directives, components, guards
b) Provides Services
non ui components
c) Imports Other Modules
i depend on external module unless i import i cannot use it
d) Boostraps its own start up Classes
e) exports
if you wish to create a component and let other modules
use you component then you must export to let the
other modules import and use the component
Pattern : Singleton : ? A service is a non ui component A service is injectible component A serviec is singleton (Single Instance )instantiated only once in framework A service is shareble A service is something which would carry statless reusable business logic or immutable state for the ui A service can bind two components A service is reusable peice of code Component 1 Component2 | | ---------------------------- | Service 1 (Single instance ) This the most important part of the configuraotin wher the weaving of the angular componenetn when there is no service Service :-
Single Ton ( Single instance ) Lazy and Eager :- whoever calls first that time the instance gets created but next time any one calls the same instance is always returen Eager : as soon as the frameword the page is up the instance is created and every time any one calls the simple activity is to return the instance What goes in my instances (Shareable business logic ) Shareable immutable data Genrally if you dont want the data to be changed by any one or any static / globals any such things are implemented here
<button (click)="fetchData()"> Your Html -->(click) Component (function) fetchData() ----> Service ----> fetchInfo() Http API ----> http.get('url') ---->Rest API -----> Json HttpResp<------ <------ <-------- {{}} Async in java script things are async calls Promise : is the most -----> Request to the Caller and i dont wait --> Register a call back saying tha hey i have called you please promise when you are done you will call my call back Hey Nilesh give me data ---> I am busy okay no issue when you done give me call back ? Register a function as call back function -> This allows me to do things in promisory way From your traditional Call as Call - Invoke --- Wait Return Call Invoke Return Reverse Invoke On A click of a button -> Call something i may take time and then it may call back my response
Work on the sync version Move to aysnc version move to the implementation of end to end services:
What is a service : service is a singleton How can i create a service ng g s (Creates service)
How can i use the service : you can use the service by dependency injection :- dont call me i will call you you will not instantiate or find the service just inject it in you components constructor jjust inject type and the angular will find the object type and give us the reference
What should i write in my service any business logic any compute logic any logic to fetch data from server any sharing logic any logic that is common goes here
Where i am going to create small a service --> What make a component a component @Component makes this as a component What makes a service a service @Injectible makes this as a service
Thats what it means :- for the framework
How to create a service : ng g s ---> creates a service how is a service service @Injectible How to use the service A service is injectible in your Component how You Can directlye constructor(yourvar:ServiceClasss) // How does this work Angular Internally check that oh i have a constructor of type x variable It goes in the service registery an fetches the service type and injects it : Hence its known as dependency injection :- We would be put the responsibility of finding the service and getting the detail injected to angular and not us : dont call me i will call you is what angular say : inject service just refere me
Create a service ng g s
now moveyou movies into the service while maitaining the movies data binder varibale intact in your component however you can use different name inthe service or same
like you service make variable private export Class FetchMovieService { private movies = ['','' ,''] // ideally these values would come from the webservice /api
getMovies(){ return this.movies; }
how to use service in any component where you wish to use the service :- in the constructor of that componenent you need to inject the service a) var: ServiceType if you declare public var : ServiceType then it also exposes a local variable public fms : FetchMovieService automatically exposes fms variable as a part of the object
any where in the code you can this.fms.xxxx where xxx is varibale(public) and methods you local data binded variable ==> is getting changed by a call to the service ... this.movies = this.fms.getMovies()
I want first time to introduce a module ussage HttpClient --> is service which available in the HttpClientModule and i will need to import the HttpClientModule in my modules first if i wish to use HttpClient
Your service now wishes to talk to http : -
HttpClient is service that is what you will do tofetch get/post/put/delete/options/head
The HttpClient cannot be used unless and untile the module exports it is imported in your module you module need to depnd on the http module import : [ BrowserModule, HttpClientModule ]
Remember HttpClient is service so it need to be injected : Ohh byu i am already a service can inject a service inside a service yes (Composite) a service can be export to be injected in component or other service singletons in your service in your constructor of the service constructor(httpClient: HttpClient) // this will fail if you dont have the Imported module HttpClientModule
now your component will be getting promise when service function called for this getMovies(): Observable { /// the movies_url is a constant centralized in one file return this.httpClient.get(MOVIES_URL); }
Your component now should be subscribing it this.fms.getMovies().subscribe((data) => { this.movies = data; }); obs = this.fms.getMovies(); obs.subscribe((data)=>{ this.movies = data; });
// (data)=>{}
HttpClient is a service its not avialbe in your module you never wrote this service where is it obvuously some one must have writteen who ? Angular where in the module HttpClientModule Now how can i use a service in module while i have not imported module
In you app.module.ts --> you imports : [ BrowserModule, HttpClientModule] now my module is ready to use all the components or service exported by HttpClientModule // if you remove point 1 you will not be able to inject HttpClient
Now in my service constructor(httpClient: HttpClient){
Angular as Mobile aps
Angular is a framework which is client side The services play a major role of bring the application data
============================================================================= Service using Node Express for api's
- mkdir serviceapi
- cd serviceapi
- npm init -y
- npm install cors
- npm install express
- npm install body-parser
- npm install cookie-parser
- the file serviceapi.js
- node serviceapi.js
- open your browser and http://localhost:3000/movies
- setInterval to show you the auto refresh function in angular ============================================================================= var express = require("express"); var cors = require("cors"); var app = express(); app.use(cors()); var movies = ['James Bond', 'Indian Jones', 'Shelock Holmes', 'Poirot'] app.get("/movies", (req, res) => { res.write(JSON.stringify(movies)); res.end(); });
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log("Launched the server "); });
setInterval(() => { movies.push('xxxxxx'); }, 3000);
How to write Angular Services How to make use of Http What is meaning import modules What is state model of gettting data by observer and callback Api Mocky.io and Also wrote our own webservice using express Node is a practical way to express based servies
The world is all about json as long as you json is good you data is good server side data --> Converted in client model in the call backs :- Routes:-
MERN / MEAN /// Node (http webserver)
JavaStack (Tomcat Pages) Mongo =====> Couch | cassandra | sql Server ---> Spring / Jersey Angular Java
.ASPX WebServcs(RestAPI)
DB Flask/DJango angular python
DB Revel / Gin angular Golang
============================================================================= Typescript Classes Exports Functions angular cli ng new / ng build / ng generate /ng serve Components Directives Pipes How component HIerarchy works Databinding Event Binding How Add State to the component How to Create Bootstrap additions We have seen how to make use of Augury Angular.json What npm and node modules How {{}} // espression works *ngFor Services How to write service how to dependecny injection We have seen services and call to http So now we know how to get data from service side We have seen a sample mocky api as well we used express and use the api to be written by us we have seen how we can combine the complete appliction A client --> Clikc to angular component to service to http to api and back again we have also seen the implementation of how client side debug works
Routes :- Routing : Subrouting : Page Creation Forms and Templates
A home page is index.html - is no home page because in angular everything is a component So for me the index.html geenrally is my spa boostrapper : it simply boostraps my angular framework and i dont wish to use it other than for boostrapping .
The ideal thing what i consider as a page is
A Component :- the component is the page HomePage-> Component AboutUs -> Component Movies -> Component TeleVision -> Component Theatre -> Component
When Click on a link i am not supposed to change page i am suppose replace components Home then my job is not to go home.html but stay on on index.html and just replace the DOM --> Place holder Home About-Us
<router-outlet> <app-aboutus></app-aboutus> </router-outlet>
The router outlet is like a place holder where the components willbe rendered Home About-Us
How do i come to know what is to be rendered where and when ? a) I need to somewhere create a router repository ? what is router repository ? i) what is the path /home and what is the component tied to the path HomeComponent ii) where should this component rendered iii) chances is that this route further has a child route ....
News | Events
This means we are dealign with somethign like child Routes:
Children for a route and must render only withing parent
<router-outlet></router-outlet> is child rendered inside the homecomponent
Problem 1 : What is if bookmark the route and tommorow without singing in use the route ? i need security interception before some get to see the route / Url How to do this ?
Problem 2 : i may want also do certain validation configuratoin parameterization during the call to the routes ? Guards how guards will be handle this
How can i enable routing ? Routing is a part of RouterModule Like earlier to this you were not able to HttpClient as its was a part of the HttpModule
To use a router or routing functions it is mandatory to use RouterModule Where do i add the router module :- app.module.ts --> This is my root module --> Every Angular application has root module in my case app.module.ts is my root module @Module (
imports : [],
Step 1 before importing a module its import to import it s class import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router' // this is for importing the routerMOdule class
imports : [
Step 2. Some must tell the routerModule what are the routes with which it has to instantiaate const routes : Route[]= [ { path = "" , component : HomeComponent }, { path = "aboutus" , component : AboutUsComponent // ng g c Home // ng g c aboutus }, { path = "movies" , component : MoviesComponent } { path = "tv" , component : TelevisionCompoent }, { path = "theatre" , component : TheatreComponent }, { path = "**" , component : OopsComponent } ]
- You willenable the RouterModule
- You will create a const array of routes which contain path / component mapping
- you will pass this const array to the RouterModule.forRoot(routes)
- you need to decide where to place your page view the location where pages will be viewed
- You need to create you navbar in such a way that when you click the navbar
it automatically renders the right page at the right location
you will need to add the routerLink to the you navigator
=============================================================================================== Goal is to achieve the implementation of routes : - Routes are use for navigation but beware we dont navigate other pages we navigate to other components
- In angular Pages are components
- Navigation is rendering the component int he router-outlet the location where you wish to place the component and show it when the a specific link (Route) is clicked
- The Route or the navigation in Angular will not work unless and until you add the router module
- The Route is the main part which identifies which path = which component and hence this is the best combination you do by writing these rules in array and passing these to the RouterModule
- The Routes are something which dont refresh page
Step 1 : Create as many as components you want to create in the forms of pages Home Movies Television Threatre About Help ng g c home ng g c movies ng g c television ng g c theatre ng g c about ng g c help
You need to create a File that decides a) which route is which component
b) You need to importthe RouterModule ad this const in the imports
Whether you have create components = pages
Whether you have create the routes configuration path and component
whether you have added the route module and .forRoot() passed the route config
Wherther you have placed the right location of the router-outlet
You will just open the browser and http://localhost:4200 you shoudl see you homecomponent http://localhost:4200/movies /xx /yy /zz whateever its and finally work with the links
every page is component ng g c movies ng g c television ng g c theatre ng g c home ng g c aboutus ng g c help
The component will be bound to a mapping router app.route.ts
[ {path : '' , component : HomeComponent} ]
Add the RouterModule // ----------------------------------------------------------- // import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; import { routes } from './app.routes'; // ----------------------------------------------------------- //
a) the routes in the app.router b) app.module.ts RouterModule.forRoot(routes)
Every page is component When you clikc a link you actually render a component in the place of the router-outlet instead of refreshing a page hence you need to understand that this is actually a dom change that you are going into
Every page first needs to be created as componet ng g c home ng g c movies .......
Every single page we created is a component and will need to be binded to a route path this can be done using a simple route configuration
const routes = [ { path : '' , component : HomeComponent }, { path : 'movies' , component : MoviesComponent } ]
While we work with this :- this routes to be registered in some location : that is the routes forRoot
in our app.module.ts we need to have RouterModule imported :- The ROuterModule imported will do the following :-
a) The RouterModule :- imports RouterMOdule.forRoot(routes)
where do i want the routes to rendered the routes to be rendered are in a location
how will my links get enabled [router-link]= []
Add a Route Ratings Events PReviews
==================================================================================================== <ng-template #mytemplate1>
For Forms:- You need form for submitting data back to the server for Create Update Delete End Post / Put /
Our World is all about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- The first part for the forms is forms is a part for a module FormsModule
How to use forms :- To use forms we need to first enable formsModule 1 imports : [ BrowserModule, HttpModule, RouterModule, FormModule, /// this will enalte ngModel ]
You can create an general html 5 form but to bind the html 5 form to the model of {{}} ==> get data from component to page [] ==> from page to component () -=> event [()] => two way --> this is how things would work on the whole
Forms a) How do i work with forms in my angular application you will need to enable the formsModule app.module.ts is your application's root modules (this the module which bootstraps) your root components (Can i create more sub modules yes)
b) FormsModule is actviate : by adding it to the imports section of your app.module.ts
c) lets create a form and do the binding:- export class User{ email; password; }
# login.component.ts ----> export class LoginComponent{ //user: User = new User(); email ; password; constructor(){} onNgInit(){ } handleForm(){ // call to service to take my username and password and do the job } }
d) these values need to bound using [(ngModel)] bound to the form fields two way binding --> when the form changes ---> State changes when the changes the ---- > form changes
e) How to ceeate a form <form (ngSubmit)="handleForm()"> <input type="text" name="email" [(ngModel)]="user.email"> <input type="text" name="email" [(ngModel)]="user.email"> <input type="text" name="email" [(ngModel)]="user.email"> <input type="text" name="email" [(ngModel)]="user.email">
You open page --. You get to see a Component LoginComponent :
You Enter you username and your password and you submit ---> handleForm()
the Handle form method --> Service LoginService login()
http ---> WebService ---> Database and Whetthere the passed user and password is valid and if so issue a session token
i am going to take the token keep where ? sessionStore.putItem(token) // i am storring a key value in my sessionStore
in my navigation component i need tcheck if user logged ngOnInit(){ sessionStore.getItem("key") isLoggedin is true }
as soon as i login in this case i wish to send a event to the navbar component :- so that we can start showing the buttons
ng g c login
Publish / Subscriber model
the subscriber code
this.loginService.getSubscriber().subscribe((data) => { this.loggedin = data; }); }
The publisher code this.loginService.getPublisher().next(this.user);
Service Code : export class LoginService { private loginSubject: Subject = new Subject(); constructor() { } getSubscriber() { return this.loginSubject.asObservable(); } getPublisher() { return this.loginSubject; }
} Router Gaurds are guards that will ask me to stop those bookmars and also check every time a route is loaded wrhter the user is logged in or not :- else it will reject to show that links
Roouter Guards : Simply Interceptors :-
u make a call to the url --> Router ---> I have guard applied ---> Function tocheck all the logicalities whether this should be allowed on not if yes it return true if not it retunrs false what i am going to do it
Guard 1 : Guard 2 : Guard 3 : Gaaurd 4
How to create a a gaurd
What is guard in everuthing is a class
a) Guard i an injectible serivce
b) Guard is a specific type of a service implents CanActivate
c) canActivateMethod of the guard
decide and return boolean value based on the requeted url
d) a guard must be activated on a route bu adding it to the routing configuration
canActivate : [YourClass]
How does it work Step 1 : ng g g auth This will create a Guard for you You need to add you authenticatioj/authorization logic if (sessionStorage.getItem('loginUser')) { return true;
} else {
console.log("Hey not logged in...")
return false;
The Next thing i wish to do is that activate The guard on the router in your routes :- { path: 'movies', component: MoviesComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
sessionStorage is intact till the browser is intact
localStorage is to the local browser as long as you site was open and you did not clear cached or clean browser it will exist
Type script :- Datatypes Classes and Export Interface Functions Namespace : Package / Imports Typescript finally get compiled to javascript how to run the javascript using the Node
What is angular and that we understood the angular cli npm : npm install -g @angular/cli@version
Created project --> imdbapp
Component : CSS/ TS / HTML How to bind data to the component Eventbinding Data Binding FormBinding Directives ngFor ngSubmit , ngIf ;else How we can make use of templates ngOnInit --> Lifecycle : how a Component Ready to serve contnet How to write services and During service we underrstood what dependency injection While in service we also had look at the http Module and how we can access the http client to access removte service (Mocky.io) dummy services Routes and understood how routes work Rxjs Objserbles and Subject How tow components can talk to each other using rxjs Subject and Observables Using Where event should be executed from one component and subscribed by the others for understing intercommunication Secuityt in terms of login : a) hoiw tmake using authentication b) Router Guards will help us c) How the sessionStorage is ues d) Diff between session storage and localStorage
Cli ng new ng serve ng build ng generate (components : Services : Guards and new applications )
ng build :- it gerneatest the dist which we can copy directly deploy on our webserver ng serve is only for development mode the actual production ng build --prod --> Generate binaries with .map file so no code trace back and what ever gets generated you wil deploy on the webserver ngxin / apach / Iis
@injectible @Componet @ngModule @Pipe
How angular.json impacts and where to add the styles.css / any css and js files that you wish to bundle
How to create a complete application with boostrap layout and work with angular components
Routing . Router MOdules , Route configuration , Route Guards Can Activates , Routing implementation in our appplication
ChildRoutes Parent Child Communication
Security BestPractice (Using OAuth with Auth.js ) and we will talk creating our own pipes and decorators
ng test :- Testing unit testing
what are child routes and why does one need childroutes Every single route could be a single application in itself movies
To create nested or child Routes
You need to have a Parent Route Selected
in the parent component which is the part for the route e.g. movies MoviesComponent |===== movies.component.html |---- you will need to add Hence your movie component needs to be having : router-outlet>
you also need to create routerLinks /movies/* // you are creating child routes for the route /movies
building the route file
ng g c thriller ng g c romance ng g c war ng g c scifi ng g c mystery
open you app.route.ts
const movieroutes = [ { path: '', component: ActionComponent }, { path: 'thriller', component: ThrillerComponent }, { path: 'war', component: WarComponent }, { path: 'romance', component: RomanceComponent }, { path: 'scifi', component: ScifiComponent }, { path: '**', component: OopsComponent }, ]; 3. add the routes to the parent children { path: 'movies', component: MoviesComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard], children: movieroutes }, 4. add a router-outlet in the parent component where you wish to display the chidl route component 5. as usaual add the routerLinks for action
index.html --> ./root.component.htm |-----nav-bar outlet |----- footer
================================================================================================================== Communicating with the Parent and Child Model
From Parent to Child And From Child to Parent @Input() --> From parent to child @Output() =--> from child to parent
if a parent comppnent needs to share a property/attribute or anything with the child the parent would simply pass it in the template of the parent for E.g parent component html pr1.component.html []-> it access a field in my class ""-> with square brackets it picks literal values <app-ch1 [department]="sales"> my child component is
class CH1 { @Input() department }
How can a parent component pass a static / dynamic value to the child component:- The parent can pass the static or dyanmic value in the template call in the parent html where is called
class Parent {
parent.component.html the abovve is to pass static data why because the left hand side use no [] brackets so dentotes that right hand side is a literal
<app-child [parentData]="xxxxx" ></app-child>
now the above denotest that xxxxx is property in the parent that should be send downwards to the
child componet if i change the parent component genre the amovies shown in the chhild component
should be as per the selected genre
class Child {
@Input() // the moment you say @Input() you are ready to accept attribtues from the parent
child.component.html {{parentData}}
Now there is rever communication
Step 1 : Create a parent component
ng g c parent1
Step 2 create a child component
ng g c child1
Step 3 now place you parent component where you wish to see it
// app-component.html
Step 4 : now place your child component inside the parent component this cannot be anywhere eslse
as you proclaim that this the chidl component of the parent compoinent
open the parent1.component.html
here is the tag where you can pass parameter downwards
category is a way where you can add the configuration :- values
step 5 : in you child class --->
category --> the value will come in this attribute only and only if you have
@Input mapped
Step 6 now whether dynamic or static : is what you need to decide
// static way
<app-child1 [category]="anyvariable">
anyvariable ; a varibale in you parent so when the parent change you want percolate the change
to the child element
Child to parent Communication :- How does angular do a parent to child communication :
EventEmitter @Output
Step 1 : in your child component :
class ChildComponent { @Output() cdataEvent = new EventEmitter() // the eventemiiter is from angular cdata; //Every time my property changes i need to fire the event onNgInit(){ setInterval(()=>{ this.cdata = Math.random(); cdataEvent.emit(this.cdata);// broadcast the value to the parent so parent can subscribe }, 5000); } }
// this is like you are saying yes {{childValue}} i wish to subscribe on the event when the cdata Changes ...... in my responsiblity to add the onChildChange() functionchildValue ; onChildChange(event){ console.log("xxxx") this.childValue = event; }
Component - > Component RxjS Subject EventEmittor Parent Child Child Parent SessionStorage LocalStorage Templates Components Services Pipes Event binding Databinding Forms Https
download iis , nginx , apache any webserver tomcat all them have folder or a aplace documentRoot
nginx --> html folder
Step 1 : First install nginx Step 2 : Start nginx nginx.exe Step 3 : go to your project and run ng build --prod -->
this will create a dist folder in your applicatiokn
so if you app dist\imdbapp
Step 4 copy the contents for the imdbapp folder and paste in the html folder of nginx
Step 6 CTRL + Refresh + open http://localhost:81 you should have you application up and running ;
Day 1 : Typescript Classes Interfaces Functions Generic Namespace Examples
Day 2 Angular Cli Created project npm install @angular/Cli
Day 3 Creating Applications Components Component Hierarchy Augury COmponent is made up Angular.json
Day 4 Lifecycle onNgInit Constsructors Servies Use the Http // mocky.io ngFor data
Day5 : Directives Routes Templates used the implemnetion using Observable Publish Subcribe
Day 6 : RouterGuards Authentication Routiing Child routes
Day 7 Parent Child Angular base Child routes Event Emitter How to create a nginx project ng build --prod how to move it to production
adding and using bootstrap How dependency injections work Provider @injectibles
How to use a third party authenticator in your application : Auth0js
i have 200 hundered applications every application if has user the problem is when the user leaves the organization : headache : i need to go to that applications and disable/delete and manage it
What if some forgets ? what if it gets misused ? what if it is billable application ? what if the application is having sensitive data ? what if the application is charged on user licenses ?
SSO the user registry : could be a single user registry : Teams --> All your users are O365:-
I need single singon to be enabled in my application When my application signs in it says okay you can go ahead as some one has authenticated you and that some one is a part of my organization policy checker
Cross Site Request Forgery :
You will create forms in you angular application These forms will be submitted to the server but prolem is what happens when i haver service which allows CORS :
Cross-origin resource sharing : which means that we have to build a application with Allow api to be called from differnt domain
http://localhost:8080 CORS --> If page was served fomr http://localhost:8080 then only you can use service s i am not a cross origin domain :-
CSRF :- where youforms are secured
Your Application runs inside a small WebView --> WebView hosts a Cordova / Ionic Server -> Like a webserver ANd pages are seen inside the web view of the Android or the ios application
HTML Only and not native application -> Applicaation is native by look and feel is non native :- html responsive driven-
I can create a single code base and run it for a) Android b) IoS c) Web d) Microsoft App
if you dont use angular responsive tech with Cordova/ionic then you have multiple code base
What is cordova : Cordova is a Open Source platform to allow you to create : hybrid apps
Using OAuth with Auth0 authentication :- your application can make use of any social or enterprise based single (Single Sign on in your application)
It Authjs this true for any Application Provider (OneLogin) For any other implmentations
Using CRSF toknen The CRSF token is to be provided by server side
What Cordova: a extentions of html5 applications to work on the client apk/ client ios apps by bundling using cordova a) Andriod Studio b) Andriod SDK c) Angular Cli and aPplication d) cordava npm installed
npm install -g cordova
to create a cordova app cordova create imdbmobileapp com.vinsys.app imdbmobileapp
Test the blank cordova app : test in the browser cd imdbmobileapp // this is the corodova project that go created cordova platform add browser // adding the browser
cordova run browser check if the basic app is working or not if yes :--- Stage 1 complete
there is a www folder in you mobile app: IN stage you u need your application output (the ng build output to be stored in the www)
ng build --prod --base-href . --output-path C:/imbdappmob/www You have overwritten the index.html (corvdova.js ) this added back open index.html in the www <script src="cordova.js" type="text/javascript"></script> cordova run browser Now you application should run inside the cordova :- Stage 2 Complete
Stage 3:- You will need to check where is your android studio : You will need to check where is your android sdk ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=D:\tools\android\sdk ANDROID_HOME=D:\tools\android\sdk
cordova platform add android
cordova emulate android
when bluestack start C:\imbdappmob\platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk Drag you apk on the bluestacks to see that the apk is runnign correctly or not
Testing and how does testing work in the world of angular
acutual expected
Some Expectations : a) Title can be nilesh b) h1 should be there c) when click service return "HelloWOrld"
Asserstions : We need to do asserstions ; asservtive programming and not assumtive programming
- it provided me impact analysis
- Fortied components : the application everytime under goes changes will be tested
- Coverage report (Sonar/Coverage tools ) unit test tells me how many lines covered and how many not if your coverage report does not cover the the lines in your code which there is trouble people have not tested the code and defect still arise in the those classes where there is not testing doen
- Test Results : Dashboard so customer can believe what is real with real testing dashboard rather than a excel sheet
Every Single testing requires a Tst Bed
Angular runs inside a browser how can i create a test browser You test will run inside a browser only There should some code that allow to emulate angular :- That something is known as Jasmine/Karma framewoirk The jasmine
describe : Describe component/ service beforEach // before Each Test Runs this method run // init afterEach // after the test run you clean up // destory testBed ---> needs to reconstruct you angular.json and app.module.ts configuraiton your testbed is your launcher
it (iterarive test):
Angular Allows you to do testing using Code Testing Karma & Jasmin
describe it beforeEach afterEach
TestBed you will need to create :
beforeEach(async(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [ RouterTestingModule ], declarations: [ AppComponent ], provider: [
it('should create the app', () => { const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance; expect(app).toBeTruthy(); });
ng test # complete testing :-
Rest API: and Rest Api Based Applications:- Flask Express Spring .Net
Bootstrap Strong CSS
Mean (mongo , express, angular , node ) : - Mern
============================================================================================================================================= Writeing API Service Writing angular Material Writing angulr + bootstrap