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Steam Achievements Booster

ASF-AchievementsBooster is a plugin for ArchiSteamFarm that automatically unlocks steam game achievements.


  • Automatically unlock achievements while farming cards with ASF.
  • Automatically unlock achievements when ASF actively plays games in the GamesPlayedWhileIdle list.
  • Automatically play games and unlock achievements (if ASF is not farming cards and GamesPlayedWhileIdle is empty).


  1. Download the archive file from the latest release.
  2. Extract the archive into the plugins folder inside your ArchiSteamFarm directory.
  3. Configure the plugin properties in the ASF.json file (optional).
  4. Restart ArchiSteamFarm (or start it if it's not running).
  5. Start the boosting process for bots via commands (if you haven't set up the auto-start configuration).


By default, AchievementsBooster will not start automatically unless you configure it to auto-start for specific bots or run it from the command line.

The AchievementsBooster plugin configuration has the following structure, which is located within ASF.json.

  "AchievementsBooster": {
    "AutoStartBots": [],
    "MaxConcurrentlyBoostingApps": 1,
    "MinBoostInterval": 30,
    "MaxBoostInterval": 60,
    "BoostDurationPerApp": 600,
    "BoostRestTimePerApp": 600,
    "RestTimePerDay": 0,
    "RestrictAppWithVAC": true,
    "RestrictAppWithDLC": true,
    "RestrictDevelopers": [],
    "RestrictPublishers": [],
    "UnrestrictedApps": [],
    "Blacklist": []
Example: ASF.json
  "Blacklist": [ 300, 440, 550, 570, 730 ],
  "FarmingDelay": 20,
  "GiftsLimiterDelay": 2,
  "IdleFarmingPeriod": 12,
  "InventoryLimiterDelay": 5,
  "UpdateChannel": 0,
  "WebLimiterDelay": 500,
  "AchievementsBooster": {
    "AutoStartBots": [ "me", "bot" ],
    "MaxConcurrentlyBoostingApps": 1,
    "MinBoostInterval": 22,
    "MaxBoostInterval": 66,
    "BoostDurationPerApp": 300,
    "BoostRestTimePerApp": 300,
    "RestTimePerDay": 0,
    "RestrictAppWithVAC": true,
    "RestrictAppWithDLC": true,
    "RestrictDevelopers": [ "Valve" ],
    "RestrictPublishers": [ "Valve" ],
    "UnrestrictedApps": [],
    "Blacklist": [ 221380, 813780, 933110, 1017900, 1466860 ]


Configuration Type Default Range Description
AutoStartBots List String List of bots that automatically start boosting achievements.
MaxConcurrentlyBoostingApps Number 1 1-32 Number of applications boosting at the same time.
MinBoostInterval Number 30 1-255 The minimum time interval between boosts.
This is the minimum time interval between two achievement unlocks.
Unit: minutes.
MaxBoostInterval Number 60 1-255 The maximum time interval between boosts.
This is the maximum time interval between two achievement unlocks.
Unit: minutes.
BoostDurationPerApp Number 600 0-30000 Maximum continuous boosting time for each application.
If this duration is exceeded, the plugin will add the application to the resting list and switch to boosting another application.
Set the value to 0 if you want to continuously boost an application until all its achievements are unlocked.
Unit: minutes.
BoostRestTimePerApp Number 600 0-30000 Resting time for each application.
Unit: minutes.
RestTimePerDay Number 0 0-600 The duration during which the plugin does not boost any application.
Just like when you go to sleep and stop playing games.
Unit: minutes.
RestrictAppWithVAC Boolean true If the value is true, plugin will skip unlocking achievements for applications with VAC.
RestrictAppWithDLC Boolean true Some achievements are tied to specific DLCs. If you don't own the DLC, unlocking these achievements might not be appropriate.
Set the value to true to skip boosting for applications with DLCs, or set it to false to unlock all achievements regardless.
RestrictDevelopers List String You may not want to boost certain applications developed by a specific developer.
Enter the developer's name in this list, and the plugin will skip boosting any applications by that developer.
RestrictPublishers List String Similar to RestrictDevelopers, but this list is for publishers.
UnrestrictedApps List Number A list of app IDs that will not be subject to the above restrictions.
Blacklist List Number List of appIDs that the plugin will skip boosting achievements.


Command Access Description
abstart [bots] Master+ Starts boosting the specified bot instances
abstop [bots] Master+ Stops boosting the specified bot instances