clone repository into mod/ilddigitalcert/
For interacting with the blockchain, you need to install the following extensions:
For creating PDF documents with attached certificate metadata, you need to install the following extensions:
For encrypting data like private keys with a keyphrase:
Also make sure that PHP extension gmp is installed
The file composer.json is already included in this repository. So simply:
run "composer install" on command line
PHP-Encrypt is needed to allow an automated singing process for issued certificates. To enable the automated process a key has to be generated and stored in moodles filesystem.
To generate a key open a command prompt in your moodle directory and run folowing command
$ vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key
Copy the generated key and save it in .txt file in moodledata/filedir/ilddigitalcert-secret_key.txt.
To enable PDF download, make sure that temporary files directory "mod/ilddigitalcert/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/tmp" is writable
For detaching metadata from PDF files, you need to install Poppler (
yum install poppler poppler-utils