Evaluating GitHub Code Search API feasibility for the Thing Catalogue hosted on the GitHub
Find the TD based on one or combined inputs:
- Serial Number
- Manufacturer Name
- Product Name
- Family Name
- Property
Query to verify if there is a new TD version comparing to what I have loaded locally
Possibility to search 1..n private repositories with scoped token next to public one within one search request
Contribution of TDs to public repository with well defined review process
Automated pipelines for TD validation
Pipelines releasing package (e.g. npm) with all public TDs
Two GitHub repositories were created. Public one with 3220 thing models and private one with 398 thing models.
Following search scenarios were tested:
Search using a single keyword, e.g. manufacturer name
Search using a path combination, e.g. by manufacturer and family and name
Search using a combination - code value and path value, e.g. by property and manufacturer
Combine multiple repositories, public one and private, search for property key
All responses were returned in avg. 200-350ms.
10 requests per minute.
Required even for public repositories.
Idea of this test was to excercise the search API, as other aspects - interaction with the community, contributions, versioning, pipelines, etc. are working well. However, availability of the search API is probably not a hard requirement, as the catalogue should be by default shipped in form of a package with the app. Nevertheless, having the possibility to query the thing catalogue on the GitHub in case the thing wasn't found locally is a nice feature.
Overall, the search capabilities are fulfilling all the scenarios (only those I had in mind). Even a combined search across more repositories, in case the company wants to keep thing models private but combine search results with the public set, works very well. The big disadvantage, could be even a blocker, is the requirement for the access token in case of a public repository. Here I would talk to the GitHub Team as the documentation is not super clear on this topic.