🌏 同步github的hosts工具,支持多平台的图形化和命令行,内置客户端和服务端两种模式~ | Synchronize GitHub hosts tool, support multi-platform graphical and command line, built-in client and server modes
😘 让你“爱”上 GitHub,解决访问时图裂、加载慢的问题。(无需安装)
🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~
An HTTPS Proxy for Docker providing centralized configuration and caching of any registry (, DockerHub,
M3U8-Downloader 支持多线程、断点续传、加密视频下载缓存。
[原神启动器Plus] lightweight globalized Genshin Impact launcher. Support arbitrarily resolution ratio, account switching, client convertion, FPS unlocking and more!
Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps.
Python scripts to analyze WoT Blitz replays and stats
An example of how to use React components as NodeViews for ProseMirror
Are COVID-19 contact tracing apps effective? Let's find out with data and math...
JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
Win2Desk - Save and recover Google Chrome Windows 10 virtual desktop assignments
onefork / theia-apps
Forked from theia-ide/theia-appsTheia applications - docker images and desktop distributions
Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
*Graphical* search and discovery engine for COVID-19 papers
Lightweight React library for drawing network graphs built on top of SigmaJS
A visual graph editor based on G6 and React
A natural language generation system to create technical documentation
``pynlg`` is a pure python re-implementation of [SimpleNLG-EnFr](, a java library enabling bilingual [text surface realisation](…
Library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and accelerate ML research.
An Open-Source Package for Knowledge Embedding (KE)
Intelligent Word Embeddings of Free-Text Radiology Reports
React component which wraps Slate.js editor with plugins to label entities in text
Prosemirror plugin that adds the ability to have ranges added to the document that expand and contract around dependent on the input.
Next-gen, highly customizable content editor for the browser - based on React and written in TypeScript. WYSIWYG on steroids.