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unocss-preset-fluid-sizing npm

UnoCSS preset for fluid sizing with UnoCSS philosophy in mind. A modern approach to @media queries.

f-pt-min-32 f-pt-max-64 will be 32px in mobiles and 64px in desktops with a smooth transition for screens with width between 320px and 1920px.


  • 🔥 Highly customizable via utilities.
  • 📏 Supports container queries.
  • 💅 A well-tested default configuration.
  • 🙈 Works with attribufify preset.


Learn about Fluid Sizing in CSS:


pnpm i -D unocss-preset-fluid-sizing unocss
// uno.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'unocss'
import { presetFluidSizing } from 'unocss-preset-fluid-sizing'

export default defineConfig({
  presets: [
    // ...
    presetFluidSizing({/* options */}),
<!-- Using default theme that comes with the preset -->
<div class="f-p-2xs f-text-xl" />

<!-- Using utilities -->
<div class="f-p f-p-min-32 f-p-max-48" />
<div class="f-text f-p-text-8 f-p-text-12" />


You can play with the preset in the Playground


This preset provides a set of utilities for all CSS properties that accept a spacing value like padding, margin, gap, width and font-size. You need to attach the prefix f- to the utility name in order to use it.


Sets the minimum and maximum value for the utility:

  • f-pt-32/64 will set the padding-top to 32px when the screen width is smaller than 64px.
f-${utility}, f-${utility}-min-${minValue} and f-${utility}-max-${maxValue}

Same as above but more explicit.

<div class="f-pt f-pt-min-32 f-pt-max-64"></div>
  • f-pt-min-32 will set the padding-top to 32px.
  • f-pt-max-64 will set the padding-top to 64px.

If using Attributify preset remember to add the self referencing char(~) to the utility attribute like f-pt="~ min-32 max-64". Same as flex or grid attributes.


Sets the minimum screen width for the utility. By default it is 320px. You can change it with the option minContainerWidth in the preset.


Sets the maximum screen width for the utility. By default it is 1920px. You can change it with the option maxContainerWidth in the preset.


Instead of using 100vw to compute the value, it uses 100cqw which is the width of the closest container.



This utility is experimental and may not work as expected.

Sets the base unit for the utility which by default is 1px. You can also change the default base unit by passing the option defaultBaseUnit to the preset. See CSS Units for more information.

CSS Variables

You can also use $ to store the calculation of the fluid size in a CSS variable. For example f-$myvar f-$myvar-min-8 f-$myvar-max-12 will set the padding to the value of the CSS variable --myvar. Then you can use the CSS variable in your CSS like --other-value: calc(var(--f-myvar) * 1.5);.


Due to limitations, the name of the variable can only contain letters, but not numbers nor dashes. ✅ f-$myvar is correct. ❌ f-$my-var is not.


By default the preset includes a theme with predefined values for spacing and font sizes that I have been using in my projects and in general is what you will need. This will save you time as you can do f-p-2xs instead of f-p f-p-min-8 f-p-max-12 or f-mt-lg instead of f-mt-min-48 f-mt-max-72.

You can check the theme in theme.ts.

You can disable the theme by passing the option disableTheme to the preset and adding your own shortcuts.


Check the interface FluidSizingOptions for the full list of options.



UnoCSS preset for fluid sizing with UnoCSS philosophy in mind.








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