- Asheville, NC
- in/lee-gaines
Cirron measures performance counters (instructions executed, etc.) and traces system calls a piece of Python or Ruby code executes.
Supporting code and demos for KubeCon EU 2023 talk "Malicious Compliance: Reflections on Trusting Container Image Scanners"
Minimal Docker images: a collection of Dockerfiles illustrating how to reduce container image size.
🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
Standard Go Project Layout
Below are some simple methods for exiting vim.
Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
⚙️ A Gentle introduction to Kubernetes with more than just the basics. 🌟 Give it a star if you like it.
A sample project that exists for PyPUG's "Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects"
Example recipes for Kubernetes Network Policies that you can just copy paste
AWS Workshop for Kubernetes
Here is where all of the bootcampers can upload their notes to share with others.
Sometimes architecting the database of your app for some can be the most difficult part. You want a schema that won't need to be rewritten a million times, a solid starting foundation for your web …
Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
Slides and code samples for training, tutorials, and workshops about Docker, containers, and Kubernetes.
A curated list of cheatsheets for SRE
Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Python Koans - Learn Python through TDD
a cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form