A platform that was started to be developed mainly for playing chess in multiplayer.
- Light theme will added.
- Nuxt (Vue.js) - SASS, Boostrap, Vuesax
- Node.js - Express - Socket.io - MongoDB
- Play chess with; matchmaking, privately your friends, other players and ai,
- Join public rooms to play random players,
- Get notified of your active matches,
- Add your friends and send message them, you can see their online state as well,
- Search other players rating point and other informations of their in profile page,
- Change your information in settings page,
- Check your messages, friends and all users,
- Try other themes and languages.
- Add .env file to server folder of this project and then set mongodb atlas key as 'DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING' and set jwt secret key as 'TOKEN_SECRET'.
You can simply install the dependencies for both sides and then run the 'dev' command to stand up client side and run the 'start' command to stand up server side of the project.