NSQ is a realtime distributed messaging platform designed to operate at scale, handling billions of messages per day.
helm repo add beeinventor https://beeinventor.github.io/charts
helm install my-release beeinventor/nsq
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the nsq chart and their default values.
Value | Description | Default |
fullnameOverride | String to partially override nsq.fullname | Chart name |
image.repository | NSQ image repository | nsqio/nsq |
image.tag | NSQ image tag | v{.Chart.AppVersion} |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
imagePullSecrets | Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
Value | Description | Default |
nsqlookupd.enabled | Enable the nsqlookupd | true |
nsqlookupd.fullnameOverride | String to partially override nsq.nsqlookupd.fullname | .Release.Name-nsqlookupd |
nsqlookupd.replicaCount | Number of nsqlookupd replicas | 3 |
nsqlookupd.priorityClassName | The name of the kube priority class used. Defaults to global default. | nil |
nsqlookupd.extraArgs | Extra arguments to provide to the nsqlookupd command |
[] |
nsqlookupd.podManagementPolicy | The pod management policy of the StatefulSet | Parallel |
nsqlookupd.podAnnotations | The annotations to attach to the nsqlookupd pods | {} |
nsqlookupd.podSecurityContext | The security context to attach to the nsqlookupd pods | {} |
nsqlookupd.resources | The resources to allocate to the nsqlookupd pods | {} |
nsqlookupd.serviceAccountName | The name of the service account used. Defaults to namespace default service account. | nil |
nsqlookupd.nodeSelector | The tags that will be used to select the node on which the pods should be scheduled | {} |
nsqlookupd.tolerations | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
nsqlookupd.affinity | Affinity for pod assignment | [] |
Value | Description | Default |
nsqadmin.enabled | Enable the nsqadmin | true |
nsqadmin.fullnameOverride | String to partially override nsq.nsqadmin.fullname | .Release.Name-nsqadmin |
nsqadmin.replicaCount | Number of nsqadmin replicas | 1 |
nsqadmin.priorityClassName | The name of the kube priority class used. Defaults to global default. | nil |
nsqadmin.extraArgs | Extra arguments to provide to the nsqadmin command |
[] |
nsqadmin.service.type | The nsqadmin service type | ClusterIP |
nsqadmin.service.port | The nsqadmin service port | 4171 |
nsqadmin.service.nodePort | The nsqadmin service node port | nil |
nsqadmin.ingress.enabled | Enable the nsqadmin ingress | false |
nsqadmin.ingress.host | Host of the nsqadmin ingress | nil |
nsqadmin.ingress.annotations | The annotations to attach to the ingress | {} |
nsqadmin.ingress.tls | TLS configurations for the hostname | [] |
nsqadmin.podAnnotations | The annotations to attach to the nsqadmin pods | {} |
nsqadmin.podSecurityContext | The security context to attach to the nsqadmin pods | {} |
nsqadmin.resources | The resources to allocate to the nsqadmin pods | {} |
nsqadmin.serviceAccountName | The name of the service account used. Defaults to namespace default service account. | nil |
nsqadmin.nodeSelector | The tags that will be used to select the node on which the pods should be scheduled | {} |
nsqadmin.tolerations | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
nsqadmin.affinity | Affinity for pod assignment | [] |
Value | Description | Default |
nsqd.enabled | Enable the nsqd | true |
nsqd.fullnameOverride | String to partially override nsq.nsqd.fullname | .Release.Name-nsqd |
nsqd.replicaCount | Number of nsqd replicas | 3 |
nsqd.priorityClassName | The name of the kube priority class used. Defaults to global default. | nil |
nsqd.extraArgs | Extra arguments to provide to the nsqd command |
[] |
nsqd.service.type | The nsqd service type | ClusterIP |
nsqd.podAnnotations | The annotations to attach to the nsqd pods | {} |
nsqd.podSecurityContext | The security context to attach to the nsqd pods | {} |
nsqd.resources | The resources to allocate to the nsqd pods | {} |
nsqd.serviceAccountName | The name of the service account used. Defaults to namespace default service account. | nil |
nsqd.nodeSelector | The tags that will be used to select the node on which the pods should be scheduled | {} |
nsqd.tolerations | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
nsqd.affinity | Affinity for pod assignment | [] |