xkISP is an open source image signal processor (ISP) based on Xilinx development tools. xkISP is jointly developed by VIP Lab of Fudan university and DAMO CTL lab of Alibaba. Up to now, xkISP supports to process 12-bit raw image data of any resolution. The entire pipeline includes 17 function modules shown in the following: The official on-line forum of xkISP project is: http://openasic.org/
│ host.cpp
│ top.cpp
│ top.h
│ xcl2.cpp
│ xcl2.h
│ isp_top.h
│ file_define.h
│ "*module*".cpp
│ "*module*".h
│ ...
│ tb_"*module*".cpp
│ ...
│ Makefile
│ "*module*".tcl
│ "*module*"_directives.tcl
│ ...
│ Makefile
│ hls_param.txt
│ input.raw
│ isp
│ readme_for_tv
├─ setup_env.sh
└─ README.md
contains code files for top level integration verification.
contains source code files which are the single module of the xk-isp project and head files(file_define.h
) for single module test.
contains code files for verificating the function consistency with Cmodel(tv/isp
) in the module level.
contains the scripts for execuating the code files in the tb
("module".tcl) and adding the pragma command for the code files in the src
("module"_directives.tcl). Makefile in the tcl
is used for module level verification.
contains the files for generating the test vectors. You can read the readme_for_tv
for more details.
is used to designate the development tools. (Vitis HLS or Vivado)
Clone this repo:
git clone xxx.git
cd xk-isp
Modify setup_env.sh
to add the installed vivado or vitis hls path under the current system. Then complete the environment setup.
source setup_env.sh
Before starting the project, we need use xk-isp Cmodel isp
to generate test vectors. These is an test image input.raw
and default configuration hls_param.txt
in tv
cd tv
./isp -i input.raw -c hls_param.txt
If you want to use your own image, please modify makefile
./isp -i "your test image" -c "your configuration"
Note:the configuration is fixed in each module level verification. You should modify the verification code files( tb_"*module*".cpp
in tb
) to match the configuration of Cmodel. We will modify the verification code files to read configuration file in the future update.
For module level verification, you can use the script Makefile
in the tcl
. Of course, you can modify the Makefile
as needed
cd tcl
For top level integration verification, you can use the vitis GUI. The example is shown as follows:
1.Create a new project using the vitis.
Import top.h
and top.cpp
under kernels and host.cpp
, top.h
, xcl2.cpp
, xcl2.hpp
under host platform(x86).
2.Set top file
Under the kernel directory, double-click .prj
to enter its configuration interface, click and set the “isp_top” function as the top level.
3.Set test images path and configuration parameters
Enter the host.cpp
- image path Modify the "TOP_SRC1" and "TOP_DST1" to your image paths.
- image resolution "IMAGE_HEIGHT" and "IMAGE_WIDTH" determine the input image height and witdh. "upper_left_x", "upper_left_y" , "lower_right_x*" ,"lower_right_y" determine the pixel positions of the upper left and lower right corners of the cropped image. "CROP_HEIGHT" and "CROP_WIDTH" determine the output image height and width. They need to be matched with "upper_left_x", "upper_left_y" , "lower_right_x*" ,"lower_right_y"
- module configuration
You can find them in the
4.Compile and run
Click the settings in the Assistant window to select the target we compile ("emulation-SW", "emulation-HW", "HW")
Click build in the Assistant window to compile. Click run
to execute the project.