- This project contains a library that sends analytics tags to an http server and a demo app to test the library integration.
- It uses Room for database, Retrofit for http requests and Dagger2 for dependency injection
- The demo app is configured to use Flipper for debug
- To configure the library, users need to call a builder that instantiate the Analytics class :
NB : the delay is in seconds
val analytics = Analytics.Builder() .withDelay(10) .withUrl("") .withContext(this) .build()
- Then to send a tag, just call the addTag method like :
analytics.addTag(Tag(TagType.CLICK, "Test"))
- Then, the lib will automatically send all tags every delay seconds
just run
./gradlew app:installDebug
Click on the FAB button to send a basic tag (MainActivity.kt)
- The library is developed with the clean architecture in mind but by lack of time it needs some additional interfaces and POJOs to be fully compliant with the architecture and to respect the SOLID principles
- Unit tests are not ready yet
- It should be preferable to send a list of tags to the http server, not one by one
- Upload on Jcenter when ready