I found that the official documentation was missing few informations to be able to create my own config files.
First I recommend you to scrap all the raw data with this config:
lowercaseOutputLabelNames: true
lowercaseOutputName: true rules:
- pattern: (.*)
Here is the raw data that I collected from hikaricp:
# HELP com_zaxxer_hikari_pool_some_string_activeconnections ActiveConnections (com.zaxxer.hikari<type=Pool (some_string)><>ActiveConnections)
# TYPE com_zaxxer_hikari_pool_some_string_activeconnections untyped com_zaxxer_hikari_pool_sillage_wa_bureautique_datasourcesidosmed_activeconnections 0.0
Then you need to create a regex expression that will catch the information you need.
Example :
# name: com.zaxxer.hikari_$1_$2 - pattern: 'com.zaxxer.hikari<type=Pool(.*)>(ActiveConnections|IdleConnections|ThreadsAwaitingConnection|TotalConnections):' name: document_hikari_$1_$2
pattern corresponds to a regex expression. (for more details check the official documentation : https://github.com/prometheus/jmx_exporter) By following the rules you have provided, it will try to match a string in the raw data that you have collected previously.
Check this website to verify that your pattern catches the raw data : https://regex101.com/
$1, $2 are some strings collected buy a regex expression in your pattern. You can have $1, $2, $3, ... $N collected strings. Those strings are created by any pattern that consumes more than one character.
- (\w+)
- (.*)
- (ActiveConnections|IdleConnections)
Example : 'com.zaxxer.hikari<type=PoolConfig (some_string)><>MaximumPoolSize)'
So with our config and the previous line of data, the values of $1 $2 will be :
$1 : some_string
$2 : MaximumPoolSize