Tags: opensourceleverage/blackbox
Pass README.md and RELEASE_ENGINEERING.md through markdownfmt. Update… … TOC.
Fix issue on OS X when creating a temporary file This prevents the "mktemp: too few X's in template _stacklib_" error message from appearing when adding another admin to blackbox and allows the command to successfully execute. Related: rtomayko/shocco#5 http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/87638/63283
BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES: * Using $BASEDIR to pass the location of the repo hasn't worked for a while. It has been removed. Simply cd into the vcs repo before running a command. BUG FIXES: * .gitignore was being created in subdirectories instead of VCS root. MINOR CHANGES * _blackbox_common.sh: Replace change_to_root with change_to_vcs_root * confidence_test.sh: Added more assertions and tests.