Statescan is a modularized and business pluggable explorer for substrate based chains.
- Data indexing: we use js scripts to query blockchain history data, normalize and save them to database.
- Scan: it's a process that we index blockchain data in a height asc order.
This code base can be divided into 3 parts: data indexing, servers(restful and graphql) and fronted pages.
Currently, we have the following packages for data indexing.
- block-scan for block/extrinsic/event/transfer data.
- account-scan for latest account balance info.
- runtime-scan for history runtime metadata versions.
- identity-scan for identity related business.
- assets-scan for pallet assets business.
- pallet-proxy-scan for proxy pallet business.
- pallet-recovery-scan for recover pallet business.
- vesting-scan for latest vesting data.
- multisig-scan for multisig data indexing.
- uniques-scan for previous uniques pallet business indexing, outdated.
We have a RESTful server and a GraphQL server, and the RESTful server will be finally replaced by the GraphQL server.
The site package call APIs from servers and render fronted pages.
We should install MongoDB first for data storage.
Then generally we should first index necessary data, then setup restful and graphql servers, and finally the site. Servers rely on the indexed data, and site reply on the APIs by the servers.
For more detail or questions, you can reach us in matrix or create issues here.