- Updated newest kexts, so far no issues
- Config AirportBrcmFixup.kext with DW1560
- USBPorts.kext alternate USBInjectAll.kext: Disable Intergrated IR Camera
- Disable Touchscreen for battery optimization
- Fixed Bluetooth/AirDrop greyed out by patching USB Port:
- Mapping in SSDT-EC.aml.
- USBMap.kext is disabled
- Fixed battery icon with SSDT-Battery.aml
- Bluetooth/Wifi supported on DW1560 with Brcm 2.5.5 kext pack
- Fixed Shutdown/Restart Error with FixShutdownßß_0004 option
- Fixed Bluetooth/AirDrop greyed out by patching USB Port
- Bluetooth/Wifi supported on DW1560 with Brcm kext pack