Releases: opflow/opflow-java
Releases · opflow/opflow-java
Change logs:
- Add the
counter: total of requests which dispatched to publisher or RPC Master; - Add the
counter: total of requests that were rejected by Restrictors; - Add the counters for the reason details of the rejected requests;
- Add the
information to the result of /info API; - Use the config filename as the prefix of configuration environment variables;
New features:
- Display the [publisher] in result of /info API;
- Add the rpcOverPublisher section in /traffic API;
- Turn on/off the publisher from the API;
- Provide the HTTP based RPC;
- Add the rpcOverHTTPWorkers section in /traffic API;
- Turn on/off the httpWorker from the API;
- Support a built-in discovery service for the HTTP Master (bases on the callback information that stored in rpcObserver);
- Support the external consul based discovery service;
- Remove the dependency on jaxb-api library (Java 1.8);
- Auto-creating and auto-binding the dispatch-queue on the worker with the exchange on the master;
- Display the Prometheus service information (host, port, metrics labels, ...)
Change logs:
- Extract string literals from source code to the OpflowConstant class;
- Remove the deprecated static methods in OpflowUtil class;
- Remove the deprecated OpflowJsontool class
- Merge the OpflowMessage & OpflowListener classes into the OpflowEngine class
- Rename the [rpcMaster] section in the [opflow.commander] configuration properties to [amqpMaster] (keep compatibility with old configuration files);
- Rename the [rpcWorker] section in the [opflow.serverlet] configuration properties to [amqpWorker] (keep compatibility with old configuration files);
- Add the total number of serverlets to the result of /info API;
- Remove the deprecated component Configurer;
- Extract the prometheus dependencies to the
New features:
- Declares root credentials (in both configuration and OPFLOW_ROOT_CREDENTIALS environment variable) for basic authentication of managing & monitoring API;
- Standardizes the RPC headers (routineId, routineSignature, routineScope, routineTimestamp);
- Observes the information of serverlets from the RPC callback and add the information to the result of /info API;