Demo of mcuboot with Mbed
Initialize the mcuboot submodule:
git submodule init && git submodule update
Pull the most recent mcuboot mbed port:
cd mcuboot && git checkout mbed-port && git pull
Build the mbed program:
mbed target NRF52840_DK
mbed toolchain GCC_ARM
mbed compile
Flash bootloader application to the NRF52840_DK.
Then flash the included signed-usb.hex
to the NRF52840_DK.
This enables drag-and-drop programming of the target over USB MSD.
Plug the NRF52840_DK's target USB connector into your laptop. It should show up as a 2MB flash drive.
Copy the signed.bin
binary over to the flash drive. You can watch serial output for progress of flashing.
After a while the target should disconnect and start flashing itself... the on-board LED3 should start to blink when done.