- 👋 My name is [ˈbɒlaːʒ] - click for pronounciation (ie. Blaise / Biagio / Власий / Blas but in Hungarian)
- 👀 I’m a curious guy with a big mouth and mind generating free associations...
- 📚 I like to read books and listen to podcasts, and educating myself on everything...
- 🏡 Bilingual (grew up in 🇸🇰, mother tongue 🇭🇺). Learnt to speak fluent 🇩🇪 as a child, 🇬🇧 from watching cartoons. Most recent additions: Basic 🇮🇹 and 🇻🇦 (Latin).
- 🤖 Dreaming of a real Github Contribution Graph (not like this: Hack Github Contribution Graph in 20 seconds)
- 🌱 I had a blast at the C Piscine @42Prague
- check out my LinkedIn and Résumé in the profile section