My C++ Project. Feel free to contribute. I am just practicing here
List of files:
- YouAreYoung.cpp (works)
- CircleSquare.cpp (Works perfectly)
- BoxerWorld.cpp (off-topic project, to be developed)
- CaseFunction1.cpp (not working properly; Homework if24-if27 about cases)
- CaseFunction2.cpp (works, but with IF instead of SWITCH)
- cycles.cxx (shows how cycles work)
- intmax.cpp (to be continued, works)
- ln(x+1)-func.cpp (evaluates logarithm, works)
- stairycycle.cpp (works, shows how cycles work)
- BubbleSortt.cpp (sorting algorythm from class, works)
- max-ind-array.cpp (array operation with max and ind, works)
- maxsum.cpp (array maxsum operations, works)
- del_element_matrix_Original (works, hometask in the end)
- del_element_matrix(undone)
- file.cpp (works, don't know what it does-from lesson whiteboard)
- matrice_special_el.cpp (works)
- pair_numbers.cpp (review required)
- special_matrice_elements.cpp (review required)
- delete_row.cpp (works, returns max element, counts sum of line of the matrix, does not delete line with lowest sum of elements from the matrix but nullifies them)
- function.cpp(MEMORY BUG) # TODO
- isFibonacci (works perfectly, counts how many of the entered numbers are fibonacci numbers)
- sumTabulateFunc.cpp (Works, take a look at the suggested input)
- test_1.cpp(program from test op5. #2)
- test_2.cpp(program from test op5. #3)
- dist.cpp (works, vector reference)
- max_a_i.cpp (works, sorts and returns sorted array of unique elements)
- integr.cpp (works, counts integral, but not specific)
- IsPrime(works, checks if number is prime or symethrical)
- struct_complex.cpp(does not work. Scalar multiplication, Complex numbers)
- vector_point.cpp (works, finds distance and coordinates of the longest vector)