Use piksi_multi_cpp with ROS noetic and Piksi Multi Firmware 2.4.20
Please use the new piksi_multi_cpp driver. The Python driver is not maintained and outdated. If you still want to use the Python driver checkout release v1.10.0.
- git clone [email protected]:ori-drs/ethz_piksi_ros.git
- git clone [email protected]:ethz-asl/libserialport_catkin.git
- git clone [email protected]:ethz-asl/libsbp_catkin.git
- catkin build piksi_multi_cpp
- roslaunch piksi_multi_cpp rover.launch #if using the rover only
- piksi_multi_rtk_ros: ROS driver for Piksi RTK receiver device, hardware version Multi.
- piksi_rtk_kml: ROS node to generate KML files (Keyhole Markup Language) from Piksi messages. These files can be visualized in Google Earth.
- piksi_rtk_msgs: ROS messages used by the driver(s).
- piksi_v2_rtk_ros: ROS driver for Piksi RTK receiver device, hardware version V2. Discontinued
- rqt_gps_rtk_plugin: Graphical User Interface to check the status of RTK fix. This gui is implemented wit Qt such that it may be added to your preferred rqt perspective.
- utils: collection of configurations and useful scripts. This folder contains piksi_rtklib_postp which can be used to obtained post processed RTK positions using only Piksi Multi for data collection (i.e. a base station is not needed). See the corresponding wiki page.
RTK fix obtained in average in 3 minutes.
RTK fix obtained in average in 10 minutes.
The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.
Marco Tranzatto, Kai Holtmann, Michael Pantic, Rik Baehnemann - ETHZ ASL & RSL - 28 April 2019
Based on the initial work of Daniel Eckert.
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.
Before reporting a mulfunction in the driver, please have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
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