Ubuntu 22.04 with administrator access (Also works on Virtual Machines). If you are using Windows and need to install a Virtual Machine, please follow these instructions (link).
At least Quad Core CPU
At least 16 GB RAM
At least 4 GB hard disk space
- Install docker in your computer:
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/NREL/CoolerChips.git
cd into the cloned directory.
Download required dependencies and place them in these paths:
File Name | Link | Place in this path in local directory |
modes.csv | link | EnergyPlusExample/ThermalModel_datacenter/modes.csv |
PythonPOD_Solid.cgns | link | EnergyPlusExample/ThermalModel_datacenter/PythonPOD_Solid.cgns |
- Build the container:
docker compose build
Give docker permission to display it's GUI app on host. This step must be repeated each time the computer/virtual machine is restarted:
xhost +local:docker
Run the container:
docker compose up
- You should see the app pop up:
Simulation outputs:
Results from Paraview:
Thermal model documentation can be found in the repo root as NEITcool DOCUMENTATION.pdf.
EnergyPlus documentation can be found here.
EnergyPlus Python API Documentation can be found here.