Basically, fakeweb in Clojure, for clj-http.
In your project.clj
[clj-http-fake "0.3.0"]
In your namespace declaration:
(ns myapp.test.core
(:require [clj-http.client :as c])
(:use clj-http.fake))
(with-fake-routes {
;; Exact string match:
"" (fn [request] {:status 200 :headers {} :body "Hey, do I look like"})
;; matches (c/get "")
;; Exact string match with query params:
"" (fn [request] {:status 200 :headers {} :body "Nah, that can't be Google!"})
;; matches (c/get "" {:query-params {:query "param"}})
;; Regexp match:
#"http://([a-z]+)" (fn [req] {:status 200 :headers {} :body "trololo"})
;; matches (c/get ""), (c/get "") and so on, based on regexp.
;; Match based an HTTP method:
"" {:get (fn [req] {:status 200 :headers {} :body "What is Scmoogle anyways?"})}
;; will match only (c/get "")
;; Match multiple HTTP methods:
"" {:get (fn [req] {:status 200 :headers {} :body "Nah, that can't be Google!"})
:delete (fn [req] {:status 401 :headers {} :body "Do you think you can delete me?!"})}
;; Your tests with requests here
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