Slidebars is a jQuery plugin for quickly and easily implementing app-style revealing menus and sidebars into your website.
See the Slidebars website for more information, usage documentation and compatibility tables.
Version 0.8.2 - Released February 24, 2014
- Event handling has been re-written in this update for better Android support. Also fixed an error where unnecessary space was added below the site content on a window resize. Thanks to francis-ceril, ecclescake and dmmikkel.
Version 0.8.1 - February 17, 2014
- Fixed an error which caused Slidebars to fail when only using one Slidebar. Thanks to Damien Jarry (wibimaster) for the fix.
Version 0.8 - February 17, 2014
- Added Slidebars Theme! An optional theme which you are free to use and abuse. It features a top navigation bar, list menus in Slidebars with unlimited level of drop downs, widgets and other useful CSS snippets. You can find the [theme usage here] (
- Mobile and tablet only support. Pass a width to [option disableOver] ( to disable Slidebars over a certain width screen.
- Show/Hide the Slidebar control classes over the disabled width with [option hideControlClasses] (
- You can now easily set [custom widths for your Slidebars] ( Add modifier class .sb-width-custom to your Slidebar, and pass a pixel or percentage width as a data attribute data-sb-width.
- New modifier class [.sb-static] ( Add this class to your Slidebar to unfix it and scroll naturally with the site.
- Removed touchend events from links in Slidebars for better scrolling support.
- Reworked Control Class events to prevent tap and click events travelling down to elements in Slidebars.
- Added another Slidebar width for screens between 480px and 768px.
- Better Slidebar closing from clicking on the site.
- Cleaned up code.
- Further code comments.
0.7.1 - January 22, 2014
- Added Slidebars options.
- Added helper class for Android Browser version 2.*. Can be used to unfix your elements with position fixed.
- Added helper class .sb-disable-close. Apply to a link in a Slidebar to prevent it from closing on click.
- Smoother jQuery .animate() animations on window resize events.
- Cleaned up code.
0.7 - January 13, 2014 - First public release.