This is a Chatbot grounded in Islamic sources. It can answer questions about the Quran, Hadiths, or Seerah of the Prophet SAW and will return all the source documents.
The scrips/ingest.ts
script will load all the sources from the web/directory, chunk them, embed them using OpenAI's eda modal then upsert them to Pinecone.
The api uses Langchain and gpt-3.5. The Langchain chain will first formulate a question using the current user's question, and the chat history (using gpt-3.5). Using that question, it'll query Pinecone for the four most relevant sources. The final chain will again use gpt-3.5 to return an answer to the user based on the source documents.
The project is built using Next.js and deployed using
Frontend of this repo is inspired by langchain-chat-nextjs
Big help with the front end from Aman Ali
Skeleton forked from