LambdaPulse is a simplified, streamlined tool to view the health of your AWS Lambda Functions.
LambdaPulse functions best as a (currently free) SaaS tool, accessible via the URL in our About section. However, if you'd like to fork & host your own local copy of LambdaPulse, instructions are provided below.
- Go to
- Sign Up
- Go into Settings and enter your ARN
- Go into Traces and click the Refresh icon
- Git clone
- install redis-server via apt/brew/etc
- npm install in /
- In .env, set up the following: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY USER_ROLE_ARN JWT_KEY -also a separate .env in client folder, setup VITE_CAPTCHA_KEY = "google captchav2 key"
- install redis-server via apt/brew/etc #) Update vite.config.js to change port to something other than 3000 #) Update package.json fulldev to add NODE_ENV = dev
- npm run fulldev
- create user and enter ARN in settings
- refresh data
Feature | Status |
Ingest traces from AWS | ✅ |
Display tree graph of traces and application | ✅ |
Display logs and trace details | ✅ |
Hyperlink into logs | 🙏🏻 |
Filter logs on click in node graph | 🙏🏻 |
Change tree graph to a network to better show crossover between traces | 🙏🏻 |
Refactor to use Typescript | 🙏🏻 |
Add more metrics to dashboard | 🙏🏻 |
- ✅ = Ready to use
- ⏳ = In progress
- 🙏🏻 = Looking for contributors
Andrii Karpenko 🖇️ 🐙 |
Jacob Alarcon 🖇️ 🐙 |
Bryent Sariwati 🖇️ 🐙 |
Matt Lusby 🖇️ 🐙 |
- 💻 = Website
- 🐙 = Github