dotfiles Public
~oswaldoacauan • powered by https://git.io/dotbot 💾
wyd-private-editors Public
Forked from Rechdan/wyd-private-editorsHere you will be able to find editors made in JavaScript for your WYD-Private server
TypeScript UpdatedOct 9, 2023 -
react-map-gl Public
Forked from visgl/react-map-glReact friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
TypeScript Other UpdatedAug 25, 2023 -
ghostium Public
A Ghost theme focused on content based on Medium design/ux.
simonw Public
Forked from simonw/simonwhttps://simonwillison.net/2020/Jul/10/self-updating-profile-readme/
electron-markdownify Public
Forked from amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify📕 A minimal Markdown editor desktop app
homebrew-cask Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-cask🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
bigbluebutton Public
Forked from bigbluebutton/bigbluebuttonBigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system for on-line learning.
puppeteer-lambda Public
Forked from blindsidenetworks/puppeteer-lambdaUsing Amazon Lambda + Headless Chrome + Puppeteer to stress test HTML5 client
vertx-examples Public
Forked from vert-x3/vertx-examplesVert.x examples
docker Public
Forked from bigbluebutton/dockerDocker files for BigBluebutton
hyper Public
Forked from vercel/hyperA terminal built on web technologies
grommet Public
Forked from grommet/grommetFocus on the essential experience
unimon Public
Projeto GA de Redes de Computadores I - Unisinos 2014/1
ember-cli-copyable Public
Forked from lazybensch/ember-cli-copyableDeeply copies your records including their relations. The mixin is smart enough to resolve not loaded relations and is configurable to what should be shallow/deeply copied or excluded entirely.
ember-bootstrap Public
Forked from ember-bootstrap/ember-bootstrapEmber-cli addon for using Twitter Bootstrap as native Ember components.
happy-valentines Public
Forked from ythecombinator/happy-valentines💖 Simple module to show your love on this Valentine's Day.