A perl script to manage ssh login to remote servers. Makes ssh and rsync easier.
First setup a mapping:
- lo devbox = [email protected]
Now instead of:
- ssh [email protected]
- lo devbox
To setup auto login using keys instead of password:
- lo devbox auto
To run a command on devbox:
- lo devbox run ls -al
To upload a file or directory to devbox:
- lo devbox ul file.txt
- lo devbox ul file.txt newfile.txt
- lo devbox ul file.txt tmpdir
- lo devbox ul file.txt tmpdir/newfile.txt
To download a file or directory from devbox:
- lo devbox dl file.txt
- lo devbox dl file.txt newfile.txt
- lo devbox dl file.txt tmpdir
- lo devbox dl file.txt tmpdir/newfile.txt
lo . - show all the mappings
lo ls - show all the mappings
lo .show - show all the mappings
lo [host] - login to the specified host
lo [host] = [[email protected]] - map host to the given value
lo [host] is - show what host is mapped to
lo [host] auto - automate login to host
lo [host] rm|del - delete the host mapping
lo [host] tcsh - setup host with tcsh and shell scripts
lo [host] com|run [command] - execute command on host
lo [host] / [command] - execute command on host
lo [host] ul [local_path] [remote_path]
- upload to the remote host
rsync -aze ssh [local_path] :[remote_path]
lo [host] dl [remote_path] [local_path]
- download from the remote host
rsync -aze ssh :[remote_path] [local_path]
lo [host] ulx [local] [remote] - same as ul but also delete remote path/file to mirror local
lo [host] dlx [local] [remote] - same as dl but also delete local path/file to mirror remote
lo .keys - show all the ~/.ssh/*.pem files and current one in use
lo [host] key [key_file] - set the key file to use for the specified host