A Clojure library that shakes your shell.
[shake "0.4.0"]
(require '[shake.static :as sh])
;; any shell command ...
(sh/uname -a) ;;returns a #<UNIXProcess java.lang.UNIXProcess@1833160>
;; using clojure variables (vars, local bindings) in shake
(let [home "/home/sunng87"]
(sh/ls -l $home))
;; using clojure forms in shake
(sh/curl $(format "https://github.com/%s" "sunng87"))
The dynamic shake creates vars on demand. It only works in scripts/repl mode because it's by hacking the compiler.
(require '[shake.dynamic :as sh])
;; any shell command ...
(sh/uname -a) ;;returns a #<UNIXProcess java.lang.UNIXProcess@1833160>
;; using clojure variables (vars, local bindings) in shake
(let [home "/home/sunng87"]
(sh/ls -l $home))
;; using clojure forms in shake
(sh/curl $(format "https://github.com/%s" "sunng87"))
The fallback solution, declare executable before you are using it.
(require '[shake.core :as sh])
(sh/declare-exec "uname")
(sh/declare-exec "ls")
(sh/declare-exec "curl")
;; any shell command ...
(sh/uname -a) ;;returns a #<UNIXProcess java.lang.UNIXProcess@1833160>
;; using clojure variables (vars, local bindings) in shake
(let [home "/home/sunng87"]
(sh/ls -l $home))
;; using clojure forms in shake
(sh/curl $(format "https://github.com/%s" "sunng87"))
shake extends Process
with clojure's IOFactory. So you can
or (output-stream)
the process to get a streamed
;; print output of `uname -a`
(print (slurp (input-stream (sh/uname -a))))
Copyright © 2012 Sun Ning [email protected]
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.