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Creates oil painting effect from of a image
Faster-OilPainting: 快速照片油畫化, NTU Interactive Computer Graphic, 2018 Fall Final term project
Pydrawing: Beautify your image or video.
Enhances faces on images and automatically beautifies them using StyleGan2 and latent space exploration
Simulating a PID controller with a liquid transducer in LabVIEW
Arduino UNO/MEGA library for ADS 1256 ADC
Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator
《专 业 团 队》🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 ⚰️🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 🕺🏿 | 专治 CSDN 广告与各种灵魂打击 | 🐵 油猴脚本 | TamperMonkey | Chrome | FireFox | CSDN 页面浮窗广告完全过滤净化 | 国服最强 CSDN 绿化脚本