- Enum subdomains with Amass
- Create permutations with DnsGen
- Check and remove wildcard
- Combination of results, check with MassDNS
- Scan with Aquatone
- New subdomains alerts with open ports
- Installation & Recon tested on Debian 10
Run installer :
source ~/.bashrc
Modify line 5 of recon.sh
and add your slack webhook token
If necessary it is necessary to configure Amass with the desired API keys
./recon.sh -d domain.tld
Options :
-d | --domain (required) : Launch passive scan (Amass & DnsGen)
-m | --monitor (optional) : Launch monitoring (Port scanning & Slack alerting)
-ac | --amassconfig (optional) : Provide Amass configuration files for better results
-rp | --resultspath (optional) : Defines the output folder
Place a crontab to execute the script periodically in order to be removed from the new subdomains
#Execute recon.sh for domain "domain.tld" each monday at 4:00 AM
0 4 * * 1 /root/recon.sh -d domain.tld -m