flashlight Public
Forked from bamlab/flashlight📱⚡️ Lighthouse for Mobile - audits your app and gives a performance score to your Android apps (native, React Native, Flutter..). Measure performance on CLI, E2E tests, CI...
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 14, 2023 -
Notflix Public
Forked from VictorKabata/NotflixKotlin Multiplatform playground
Kotlin UpdatedNov 1, 2022 -
compose-samples Public
Forked from android/compose-samplesOfficial Jetpack Compose samples.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 14, 2020 -
dh-droidcon2020-modularization Public
Forked from kingsleyadio/dh-droidcon2020-modularizationDroidCon EMEA 2020 Modularization workshop
Kotlin UpdatedOct 9, 2020 -
rugby-ranker Public
Forked from ricknout/rugby-rankerAn Android app for viewing and predicting the latest World Rugby rankings 🏉
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 7, 2020 -
retrofit Public
Forked from square/retrofitType-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 7, 2019 -
pivaa Public
Forked from badredaha/pivaaCreated by High-Tech Bridge, the Purposefully Insecure and Vulnerable Android Application (PIVAA) replaces outdated DIVA for benchmark of mobile vulnerability scanners.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 11, 2019 -
Android-InsecureBankv2 Public
Forked from dineshshetty/Android-InsecureBankv2Vulnerable Android application for developers and security enthusiasts to learn about Android insecurities
Java MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2019 -
javalin Public
Forked from javalin/javalinA simple and modern Java and Kotlin web framework
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 3, 2019 -
crweather Public
Forked from elpassion/crweatherAndroid demo app with kotlin coroutines and architecture components library
Kotlin UpdatedNov 12, 2018 -
AndrOBD Public
Forked from fr3ts0n/AndrOBDAndroid OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 8, 2018 -
Android-BLE-Scan-Example Public
Forked from imen-nmn/Android-BLE-Scan-ExampleIt is a project based on Google samples. It is aimed to test different features of BLE
Java UpdatedJul 17, 2018 -
kotlin-sm-workshop Public
Starting Kotlin Development
Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin Public
Forked from erikjhordan-rey/Android-Architecture-Components-KotlinSample used to practice Kotlin and Android Architecture Components.
Kotlin UpdatedMay 13, 2018