(N.b.: only readily playable games will be included here. This means that original code is available (as well as a separate emulator if needed), or one or more reimplementations, or both. Examples such as Struggle are all well and good but are excluded by this criterion. Additionally there have to be at least some scraps of documentation. This would appear to exclude a game like 'bot.)
- Darwin (1961)
- RobotWar (1970s)
- Color Robot Battle (1981)
- Rocky's Boots (1982)
- Robot (1983) (n.b.: Sol-20 binaries are written in text for the emulator so discovering text files is to be expected)
- Core War (1984)
- Robot Odyssey (article includes links to usable implementations and manual)
- Arena (1985)
- CROBOTS (1985)
- P-Robots (1988)
- Xtank (1988) (project being modernized on GitHub; much documentation apparently outdated)
- Omega (1989)
- Jintori (1990) (documentation in Japanese!)
- RoboWar (1990)
- Battle Droids (1991)
- ARobots (1992)
- AT-Robots (1992)
- Combat Zone (1993)
- CoreLife (1993)
- TclRobots (1994)
- TORCS (1997)
- KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
- The Bureau of Steam Engineering
- SpaceChem
- Infinifactory
- TIS-100
- Opus Magnum
- Adventure Land
- Algo Bot
- AntMe!
- Automachef
- Autonauts
- Baba Is You
- Bashcrawl
- Battlesnake
- Blockland
- Bug Brain
- CHR$(143)
- Code E.D.
- Codemancer
- Code Hero
- Colobot
- Colobot: Gold Edition
- Comet 64
- Craftomation: Programming & Craft
- Crescent Loom
- Cyber Sentinel
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application
- DeepestWorld
- Debugger 3.16: Hack 'n' Run
- Dreamjob: Programmer
- Duskers
- Else Heart.Break()
- Exception
- Exploit Exercises
- git-game
- git-game-v2
- Google Gruyère
- Gladiabots
- Glitchspace
- GNU Robots
- Graphomata
- Great Permutator
- Grey Hack
- hackmud
- Hacknet
- Hack 'n' Slash
- Kodu
- KnotBot
- Logic World
- LogicBots
- The Magic Circle
- Marvellous Inc.
- Mechanica
- Midnight Protocol
- MindRover
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Move Code Lines
- Neon Noodles
- Oh My Git
- One Dreamer
- Pony Island
- Prelogate
- Prime Mover
- Pure Logic
- Quadrilateral Cowboy
- Rec Room
- Robo Instructus
- Robocode
- Robocoder - Dwarf Mountain
- Rogue Bit
- Scalatron
- Screeps
- Selfless Heroes
- [the Sequence]
- SIC-1
- Silicon Zeroes
- Stone Story RPG
- Stormworks: Build and Rescue
- Super Markup Man
- Swift Playgrounds
- ToonTalk
- trAInsported
- Turing Complete
- TwilioQuest
- Virtual Circuit Board
- Uplink
- while True: learn()
- Cyber Sentinel
- Gladiabots
- Human Resource Machine
- LightBot
- LightBot Jr
- Make It True (Android only)
- Perfect Paths (iOS only)
- Rec Room (iOS only)
- RoboZZle
- SpriteBot
- Swift Playgrounds (iPad only)
- 7 Billion Humans (iOS only)
- AI Cup
- Bitburner
- BOX-256
- Battlecode
- Blockly
- Carnival
- CodeCraft
- Codingame
- CSS Diner
- CTF Learn
- CheckiO
- Code Games
- Code Monkey
- Code.org
- CodeCombat
- Codingame
- corewars8086_js
- Cube Composer
- Elevator Saga
- Flexbox Defense
- Flexbox Froggy
- Flexbox Zombies
- generals.io
- Grid Critters
- Grid Garden
- Hack The Box
- hackable.ca
- hacker.org
- HackThisSite
- Hacker 101 CTF
- Halite
- Hellbound Hackers
- Imagegram
- io.netgarage.org
- JavaScript Fight Club
- Komodo Consulting CTF
- Leek Wars
- LogicBox
- Manufactoria
- Microcorruption
- Much Assembly Required
- NandGame
- OverTheWire
- picoCTF
- Practice CTF List / Permanent CTF List (a comprehensive list of CTF challenges specifically; have not examined every entry; see also this Stack Exchange thread and this Reddit thread)
- pwnable.kr
- pwnable.tw
- Regex Crossword
- RingZer0 Team Online CTF
- Roadmap
- RoboZZle
- Ruby Warrior
- Schemaverse
- Service Workies
- Slush Smackdown
- Smash the Stack
- SpaceTraders API (RESTful API MMO Space Trading game)
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Tynker
- Untrusted
- Vim Adventures (n.b.: $25 for six months access to the full version)
- Vindinium
- VulnHub
- W3Challs
- WarriorJS
- WeChall (not the same as the other, similar-sounding entry!)
- XSS Game
- yare.io
- Baba Is You (Switch)
- Carnage Heart (PlayStation)
- Dreams (PlayStation 4)
- Exception
- 7 Billion Humans (Switch)