To install this version of the m2scorer, use the following command
pip install
This is the scorer for evaluation of grammatical error correction systems. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (See LICENSE).
If you are using the NUS M^2 scorer in your work, please include a citation of the following paper:
Daniel Dahlmeier and Hwee Tou Ng. 2012. Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction. In Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL 2012).
- Quickstart
- Pre-requisites
- Using the scorer
3.1 System output format
3.2 Scorer's gold standard format - Converting the CoNLL-2014 data format
- Revisions
5.1 Alternative edits
5.2 F-beta measure
5.3 Handling of insertion edits
5.4 Bug fix for scoring against multiple sets of gold edits, and dealing with sequences of insertion/deletion edits
./m2scorer [-v] SYSTEM SOURCE_GOLD
SYSTEM = the system output in sentence-per-line plain text. SOURCE_GOLD = the source sentences with gold edits.
The following dependencies have to be installed to use the M^2 scorer.
- Python (>= 2.6.4, <= 3.7, older and newer versions might work but are not tested)
- nltk (, needed for sentence splitting)
SYSTEM - system output, one sentence per line
SOURCE_GOLD - source sentences with gold token edits
-v --verbose - print verbose output
--very_verbose - print lots of verbose output
--max_unchanged_words N - Maximum unchanged words when extracting edits. Default = 2.
--ignore_whitespace_casing - Ignore edits that only affect whitespace and casing. Default no.
--beta - Set the ratio of recall importance against precision. Default = 0.5.
--timeout - Max number of seconds per sample
The sentences should be in tokenized plain text, sentence-per-line format.
<tokenized system output for sentence 1>
<tokenized system output for sentence 2>
Examples of tokenization:
Original : He said, "We shouldn't go to the place. It'll kill one of us."
Tokenized : He said , " We should n't go to the place . It 'll kill one of us . "
Note: Tokenization in the CoNLL-2014 shared task uses NLTK word tokenizer.
Sample output:
===> system <===
A cat sat on the mat .
The Dog .
SOURCE_GOLD = source sentences (i.e. input to the error correction system) and the gold annotation in TOKEN offsets (starting from zero).
S <tokenized system output for sentence 1>
A <token start offset> <token end offset>|||<error type>|||<correction1>||<correction2||..||correctionN|||<required>|||<comment>|||<annotator id>
A <token start offset> <token end offset>|||<error type>|||<correction1>||<correction2||..||correctionN|||<required>|||<comment>|||<annotator id>
S <tokenized system output for sentence 2>
A <token start offset> <token end offset>|||<error type>|||<correction1>||<correction2||..||correctionN|||<required>|||<comment>|||<annotator id>
- Each source sentence should appear on a single line starting with "S "
- Each source sentence is followed by zero or more annotations.
- Each annotation is on a separate line starting with "A ".
- Sentences are separated by one or more empty lines.
- The source sentences need to be tokenized in the same way as the system output.
- Start and end offset for annotations are in token offsets (starting from zero).
- The gold edits can include one or more possible correction strings. Multiple corrections should be separate by '||'.
- The error type, required field, and comment are not used for scoring at the moment. You can put dummy values there.
- The annotator ID is used to identify a distinct annotation set by which system edits will be evaluated.
- Each distinct annotation set, identified by an annotator ID, is an alternative
- If one sentence has multiple annotator IDs, score will be computed for each annotator.
- If one of the multiple annotation alternatives is no edit at all, an edit with type 'noop' or with offsets '-1 -1' must be specified.
- The final score for the sentence will use the set of edits by an annotation set maximizing the score.
The gold annotation file can be found here: example/source_gold
S The cat sat at mat .
A 3 4|||Prep|||on|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A 4 4|||ArtOrDet|||the||a|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
S The dog .
A 1 2|||NN|||dogs|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A -1 -1|||noop|||-NONE-|||-NONE-|||-NONE-|||1
S Giant otters is an apex predator .
A 2 3|||SVA|||are|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A 3 4|||ArtOrDet|||-NONE-|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A 5 6|||NN|||predators|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
A 1 2|||NN|||otter|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||1
Let the system output, example/system be
A cat sat on the mat .
The dog .
Giant otters are apex predator .
Run the M^2Scorer as follows:
./m2scorer example/system example/source_gold
The evaluation output will be will be:
Precision : 0.8000
Recall : 0.8000
F_0.5 : 0.8000
Explanation: For the first sentence, the system makes two valid edits {(at-> on), (\epsilon -> the)} and one invalid edit (The -> A).
For the second sentence, despite missing one gold edit (dog -> dogs) according to annotation set 0, the system misses nothing according to set 1.
For sentence #3, according to annotation set 0, the system makes two valid edits {(is -> are), (an -> \epsilon)} and misses one edit (predator -> predators); however according to set 1, the system makes two unnecessary edits {(is -> are), (an -> \epsilon)} and misses one edit (otters -> otter).
By the case above, there are four valid edits, one unnecessary edit, and one missing edit. Therefore precision is 4/5 = 0.8. Similarly for recall. In the above example, the beta value for the F-measure is 0.5 (the default value).
###Converting the CoNLL-2014 data format The data format used in the M^2 scorer differs from the format used in the CoNLL-2014 shared task ( in two aspects:
- sentence-level edits
- token edit offsets
To convert source files and gold edits from the CoNLL-2014 format into the M^2 format, run the preprocessing script bundled with the CoNLL-2014 training data.