摘 要 迄今为止,随着互联网的飞速发展,各行各业都依赖软件系统去让客户共享资源,方便快捷地享受资源,心理咨询服务也不例外,开发一个较好的系统,尽可能的解决心理咨询不够专业,客户没有时间等问题。目前已上线的心理健康咨询管理系统一般都是依附于各个医院的网上预约系统,并没有专门的可以进行线上咨询的系统,对于比较繁忙的人群来说是非常不方便的。
Abstract So far, with the rapid development of the Internet, all walks of life rely on the software system to share the resources of the customers, enjoy the resources conveniently and quickly, the psychological consultation service is no exception, the development of a better system, as much as possible to solve the psychological counseling is not professional, The customer has no time and so on. At present, the online psychological health consultation management system is generally attached to the online reservation system of each hospital, and there is no special system for online consultation, which is very inconvenient for the busy population.
The university student's mental health consultation management system is not only suitable for reading the students, including the interns and white-collar workers who enter the society, the psychological pressure is a fire, the platform can achieve a very good fire-fighting effect, I don't need to take a special leave to a consulting room or a special hospital, and then take an hour to relieve the pressure after work. The function module of the system is mainly divided into 10:10: background login, front panel link management, doctor introduction management, emotion post post management, reservation management, registered user management, message management, administrator management, and password modification.
The system provides the development environment by using the SSM framework of the Java programming language and the MySql database, and the development process follows the idea of the MVC architecture and software engineering, and ensures the high-quality completion of the system through the requirement analysis, the overall design, the detailed design, the coding and the test. In terms of security, the system provides more convenient access management and finer-grained access control. At the same time, the expandability and concurrent access of the system are discussed.
Keywords: mental health counseling;management system;Java;SSM;Mysql
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 前言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文研究思路与结构 3
2 系统开发技术介绍 4
2.1 Java语言 5
2.2 Spring框架简介 6
2.3 Spring MVC 框架简介 6
2.4 MyBatis 框架简介 7
2.5 开发环境 8
3 系统需求分析 9
3.1 需求分析 9
3.2 可行性分析 9
3.2.1 经济可行性 9
3.2.2 技术可行性 10
3.2.3 时间可行性 10
3.2.4 法律可行性 10
3.3 系统开发步骤 10
3.4 系统实现目标 11
4 系统总体设计 13
4.1 系统实现的重要功能 13
4.2 系统体系结构 14
4.3 系统流程图 15
4.4 系统ER图 16
5 系统详细设计及实现 19
5.1 管理员登录界面 19
5.2 心理健康信息管理 20
5.3 心理测试模块 23
5.4 心理健康咨询模块 23
5 用户登录模块 25
6 用户修改信息模块 28
5.7 用户注册 30
5.8 用户信息填写 32
- 9 用户密码找回 33
5.10 资源管理数据库设计 34
5.11 系统最终实现功能 38
6 软件测试 39
6.1 单元测试 39
6.2 功能测试 40
6.3 性能测试 40
结 论 43
参考文献 45
致 谢 46
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