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Tags: ovis-hpc/ldms



Toggle v4.4.4's commit message
Release OVIS-4.4.4

* Decomposition fixes
* Fix a leak in store_sos.c
* Workaround for GitHub workflow dropping CentOS7 support
* Make ldmsd_controller exit on connection error
* Update kokkos_appmon.c to not pad extra characters to node / name
* Add 'reconnect' to prdcr_start* to deprecate 'interval'
* Make LDMSD support interval strings
* Add 'reconnect' in prdcr_add to deprecate 'interval'
* Refector JSON parsing to use libjansson
* Support for operators in storage decomposition
* A port of `json_stream_sampler` from OVIS-4
* Add lsf/slurm to linux_proc_sampler.job test and fix nits in format 3
* Add format 3 for better commonality across start/end & resource managers.
* Add rollover to blob_stream_writer in b4.4


Toggle v4.5.0's commit message

Due to the asynchronous nature of `ldms_stream`, a stream event may
already in the process of being delivered to the application callback
function at the same time that the application closes the stream client
and releases application's resources associated with it. This results in
a use-after-free.

This patch adds `LDMS_STREAM_EVENT_CLOSE` callback event that is
delivered to the application callback function when the stream client is
closed. The `LDMS_STREAM_EVENT_CLOSE` is the last event to be delivered
to the client call back function, so that the application can then
safely release resources asscoiated with the stream client after
receiving it.


Toggle v4.4.3's commit message
This is Release 4.4.3

It includes the following features and fixes to 4.4.2:

- Features
  - Updates to the Darshan Store fields
  - Updates to the heartbeat sampler
  - Updates to the store_avro_kafka store
  - Updates to the rdc_sampler
  - Updates to the slingshot sampler

- Fixes
  - Decomposition fixes
  - Always generate and push store_avro_kafka schema to registry
  - Fix error path memory leaks in store_avro_kafka
  - Clarify dependencies in
  - Fix crash in linux_proc_sampler


Toggle OVIS-4.4.2's commit message
This is release OVIS-4.4.2

The principal improvements in this release are as follows:

- Enhancements needed for production convenience
- New slingshot switch samplers designed to run on the slingshot switch
- Config changes in support of slingshot_metrics
- Fix mis-sizing of string in jbuf implementation
- Invalidate RDMA memory descriptors on set delete
- Remove memory leaks in the as_is decomp plugin
- Fix segfault caused by attempting to flush syslog
- Fix handling of DCGM string fields
- Fix `zap_sock` rejected endpoint leak


Toggle OVIS-4.4.1's commit message
OVIS Release 4.4.1


Toggle OVIS-4.3.11's commit message
This is the release tag for OVIS-4.3.11

Principle features in this release:
* OVIS Log Library
* Sampler Base Support for slurm2 sampler
* Avro-Kafka Store
* Moved all samplers to their own subdirectory
* Various scalability and resiliency improvements


Toggle OVIS-4.3.10's commit message
LDMS Release 4.3.10

LDMS 4.3.10 remains binary compatible with OVIS 4.3 releases back to
OVIS 4.3.3

If you are storing data from the the new samplers that use lists
and records, please do so with a storage decomposition configuration.
Storing these metric sets (procstat2, procnet2, slurm2, ...) without
a decomposition configuration can lead to confusing results.

There are 78 commits in this release that add new samplers and
include many scalability and resiliency improvements.


Toggle OVIS-4.3.9's commit message
OVIS 4.3.9 Release Tag


Toggle OVIS-4.3.8's commit message

* Numerous bug fixes
* Multi-threaded low-level Zap transport event handers
* Command line option support in configuration files
* Summary set, transport, producer, and thread statistics
* Kokkos Appmon store
* Darshan store
* Non-blocking event logging
* Netlink notifier stream sampler


Toggle v4.3.8's commit message
fix build for boost-dependence when not in /usr