Java backend for USC Door Drink
@Author: Rahil Bharat Ram @Author: Hanna Kishawi @Author: Omar Qureshi
general desc, frameworks, libraries, maven, sql backend correct port url username, pass, and run sql file we have in backend
Features implemented:
- User login for customers vs shop
- Register for customers vs shops
- Display of user data (customer vs shops)
- Handle store owner and customer data differently
Features in progress:
- Feature 1, 2, 3
How to run:
- Download and unzip USCDoorDrinkFrontend and USCDoorDrinkBackend
- Run uscdoordrink.sql script in MySQL workbench
- Change dbcontrol/ lines 9-11 to match SQL connection
- Run backend as a maven build on Eclipse or Intellij
- Once the server is running, build the frontend on AndroidStudio
- You can register a new user with a unique email address or use a preset user (mentioned as inserts in the SQL file)
- You may sign in with a user to reach the user information page
- All user data is displayed but there is no transaction data yet