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Zombie-Sharp is a Zombie Mode plugin for CS2 referencing the features and functions from the previous SourcePawn Zombie:Reloaded plugin. You can say this is the Zombie:Reloaded remake but in C#. Here is the list of features.

Feature of Zombie-Sharp

  • Basic Zombie Infection Initial with Timer
  • Mother Zombie Cycle
  • Infect and Human Command
  • Respawn Toggle option
  • Player Class Module
  • Weapon Module with purchase command.
  • Hitgroups Module (Will add later)
  • Knockback Module
  • ZTeleport Module
  • Configuration for Infection Settings (ConVar)
  • Cash on damage zombie
  • API for external plugin
  • Grenade Napalm Effect


Recommend Plugin

How to Build

  1. Install .NET 8.0 SDK and Git.
  2. Open up Windows Powershell and follow these command
git clone
cd ZombieSharp
dotnet build


  1. Install a Metamod and CounterStrikeSharp with Runtime build.
  2. Drag All files in zip to game/csgo.
  3. Doing command setting and file configuration.
  4. Start server and enjoy.

Command Setting

It's recommend to set these Convar before using the plugin to prevent crashed and issues that may occur.

// set in server.cfg
mp_limitteams 0
mp_autoteambalance 0

// set in gamemode_casual_server.cfg if file is not existed copy gamemode_casual.cfg and rename it.
mp_disconnect_kills_players 1
mp_roundtime 3 // set it to round time that you want.
mp_roundtime_hostage 0 // this will override mp_roundtime in the map "cs_" if value is more than 0.
mp_roundtime_defuse 0 // this will override mp_roundtime in the map "de_" if value is more than 0.

API Example

Check out ZombieTest for other API usages example.

using CounterStrikeSharp.API;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.Capabilities;
using ZombieSharpAPI;

namespace ZombieTest
    public class ZombieTest : BasePlugin    
        public override string ModuleName => "Zombie Test";
        public override string ModuleVersion => "1.0";

        // Declare Capability First.
        public static PluginCapability<IZombieSharpAPI> ZombieCapability { get; } = new("zombiesharp:core");

        // Declare API class
        IZombieSharpAPI? API;

        public override void OnAllPluginsLoaded(bool hotReload)
            // Get Capability.
            API = ZombieCapability.Get()!;

            // Excute Hook function 
            API.OnClientInfect += ZS_OnInfectClient;

        // Hook function is here.
        public HookResult ZS_OnInfectClient(CCSPlayerController client, CCSPlayerController attacker, bool motherzombie, bool force)
            // check which client is infect.
            Server.PrintToChatAll($"{client.PlayerName} is infected");

            // if client name is Oylsister
            if (client.PlayerName == "Oylsister")
                Server.PrintToChatAll("Oylsister is immunity");

                // Blocking infected
                return HookResult.Handled;
            if (force)
                Server.PrintToChatAll($"by forcing.");

            // Always use HookResult.Continue to allowing other player get infect as usual.
            return HookResult.Continue;


Here is a list of all the config files available and what they do.

gamesettings.jsonc - Basic Infection timer and more settings you can set. This file existed as to apply game settings in case of ConVar failed to do.

    "FirstInfectionTimer": 15.0, // First infection delaying in seconds
    "MotherZombieRatio": 7.0, // First mother zombie ratio (21 players / 7 ratio = 3 motherzombie will spawned.)
    "MotherZombieTeleport": false, // Teleport mother zombie back to spawn after infection (Zombie Escape stuff)
    "CashOnDamage": false, // Turn damage into cash for human.
    "TimeoutWinner": 1, // When round time end specific team will win (0 = zombie | 1 = human.)

    "DefaultHumanBuffer": "human_default", // human class unique name for default class
    "DefaultZombieBuffer": "zombie_default", // zombie class unique name for default class
    "MotherZombieBuffer": "motherzombie", // mother zombie class unique name for default class
    "RandomClassesOnConnect": false, // random class on join or not.
    "RandomClassesOnSpawn": true, // random class on every player respawn.

    "WeaponPurchaseEnable": true, // Enable purchase via command or not. This also will toggle weapon purchase limit too.
    "WeaponRestrictEnable": true, // Restrict specific weapon or not.
    "WeaponBuyZoneOnly": false, // Only allow player to purchase weapon in buyzone.

    "TeleportAllow": true, // allow using !ztele to teleport back to spawn point.

    "RespawnEnable": true, // allow respawn after death or not
    "RespawnDelay": 5.0, // respawn delay obviously
    "AllowRespawnJoinLate": false, // allow player to join during the round and respawn into the game or not.
    "RespawnTeam": 0 // 1 for human team | 0 for zombie team | 2 for player's they were before death.

weapons.jsonc - Configure specific weapon settings. And purchase settings

    "glock": { // The weaponname get from event when get fired.
        "WeaponName": "Glock", // weapon name you wish
        "WeaponEntity": "weapon_glock", // weapon entity
        "Knockback": 1.1, // knockback
        "WeaponSlot": 1, // weaponslot (0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary, 2 = knife, 3 = grenade)
        "Price": 200, // price you want
        "MaxPurchase": 0, // Allowing how many time client to purchase in one live.
        "Restrict": false, // Allow client to use or not.
        "PurchaseCommand": [ "css_glock", "css_gs" ] // Purchase command. Set whatever you want.

playerclasses.jsonc - Player Classes configuration. Placing Custom model at game/csgo for both server and client (player)

Example: game/csgo/characters/models/nozb1/2b_nier_automata_player_model/2b_nier_player_model.vmdl_c

    "human_default": { // Class unique name
        "Name": "Human Default", // class name
        "Enable": true, // enable it or not
        "Team": 1, // Team 0 = zombie, Team 1 = human
        "Model": "characters\\models\\nozb1\\2b_nier_automata_player_model\\2b_nier_player_model.vmdl", // Model path for this class change .vmdl_c to .vmdl in this config
        "MotherZombie": false, // Specify if this class is for mother zombie.
        "Health": 150, // class health
        "Regen_Interval": 1.0, // Regen_Interval is the time in seconds between each regen tick
        "Regen_Amount": 3, // Regen_Amount is the amount of health to regen each tick
        "Napalm_Time": 0, // Duration of Napalm grenade, set to 0 meaning no burn.
        "Speed": 250.0, // class speed (not work yet)
        "Knockback": 0.0, // class knockback

hitgroups.jsonc - Hitgroup configuration for knockback.

    "Generic": { // name doesn't effect anything
        "Index": 0, // do not edit this part.
        "Knockback": 1.0 // you can change knockback to whatever you want.
    "Head": {
        "Index": 1,
        "Knockback": 1.2
    "Chest": {
        "Index": 2,
        "Knockback": 1.0
    "Stomach": {
        "Index": 3,
        "Knockback": 1.0