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Odd bits and pieces written or collected over the years.

Use how you wish, at your own risk.

  • Administrator-SelfElevate.ps1 - Make your PowerShell scripts self elevate to run as an Administrator
  • - Checks a Ubuntu/Debian Linux server for package updates and notifies via
  • Convert-DsRegCmd.ps1 - Take DSREGCMD /status output and turn into a PSObject. Very handy stub for a variety of scripting tasks.
  • - Converts .MOV (or any movie file really) to MP4. Uses FFMPEG. Intended for quick 'n easy screen recording work on macOS (quicktime screen recording -> .mov -> compress to .mp4)
  • - Archive all your Facebook Messenger chats, clean that right up
  • Force-TLS12forPowershell.ps1 - stub to force TLS12 or better as the default for Powershell
  • Convert-FSUtilToObject.ps1 - Converts FSUTIL output into a powershell custom object for easy parsing
  • CV-RESTAPI-DumpEdgeDriveContentsToHTML.ps1 - Powershell script to dump the contents for a given Commvault Edge Drive path out to HTML
  • CV-RESTAPI-ExecuteWorkflowAsGETCall.ps1 - Powershell script to call Commvault workflow
  • CV-RESTAPI-QOperationExecute-DisableAllJobActivity.ps1 - Powershell script to submit into XML message bus
  • CV-RESTAPI-QOperationExecute.ps1 - Powershell script to perform example QOperation Execute command for Commvault
  • DRMM-CheckRefreshRate.ps1 - Datto RMM monitor component - checks that the refresh rate across all screens doesn't fall below a minimum value (defaults to 59 (=59.00 Hz))
  • DRMM-Testrig-Monitor-ForceStatus.ps1 - Datto RMM monitor component - forces a specific status/message useful for testing out monitoring and related processes (response components, email alerts, etc.)
  • DRMM-PopulateUDFwithDNSServers.ps1 - Datto RMM script - populates a UDF with the DNS servers addresses on a Windows machine (string joined with comma)
  • - Datto RMM monitor component - looks for non-APFS vols by calling diskutil
  • - Disables IPv6 on all interfaces on a given macOS endpoint
  • docker_update.ps1 - Update all docker images on local workstation (Windows/PowerShell)
  • - Update all docker images on local workstation (macOS-Linux/Bash)
  • - Get IP Address of a DigitalOcean Droplet
  • Dump-Env.ps1 - outputs all ENVIRON variables (Env:) to stdout, useful for Datto RMM / DRMM work
  • EnableDisable-FileSecurity.ps1 - Powershell byte-sized one-liners for disabling then re-enabling that pesky "Open File - Security Warning" dialog when trying to execute an installer (grumble..)
  • Enable-WindowsSandbox-OnHomeEdition.ps1 - Enable Windows Sandbox on Windows 10 & 11
  • - quick check on value of a car lease (US)
  • - Rudimentary ETL load left-to-right with pyodbc & MS-SQL
  • exceltricks_formatToGB.txt - Excel Trick for formatting a given number into MB/TB/GB/PB
  • - Extracts GPS Info via EXIF from single file or whole directory and plots on Google Maps
  • ffmpeg-ConvertAC3toAAC.ps1 - Converts all AC3 files in a directory, to AAC files, using ffmpeg
  • FindVMsbyUUID.ps1 - Find VMware VMs by UUID (requires PowerCLI)
  • Get-ActiveSpeaker.ps1 - returns active speaker on a Windows 10/11 machine
  • Get-FolderSize.ps1 - Scan folder recursively and spit out CSV file with file & sizes
  • Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1 - For troubleshooting script - get network stats
  • Get-PendingReboot.ps1 - PSH Function to check server if a pending reboot condition exists
  • Get-ProcessByCPUUsage.ps1 - Get a sorted list of processes using more than 5% CPU
  • Get-UserSecurityGroups.ps1 - Get security groups for a given user
  • Get-SChannelCipherList.ps1 - Calls SChannel to determine what SSL & TLS ciphers are supported on Windows (compatible w/Server 2012 R2 & newer / PowerShell 4.0 & newer)
  • Get-OpenDNSEnforcementStatus.p1 / Set-OpenDNSEnforcement.ps1 - Scripts for RMM to monitor & enforce OpenDNS and avoid common bypasses.
  • Get-ServicesUsingServiceAccounts.ps1 - one-liner to show all services on a machine using something other than SYSTEM/LocalService/NetworkService
  • Get-WindowsUpdates.ps1 - Get a list of Windows Updates and the status of that individual patch (& whether it was installed/uninstalled)
  • Generate_MSSQL_Activity.ps1 - Generates random activity in an AdventureWorks2022 database (MS SQL Server 2022) for LAB environments
  • NewMachine_InstallChrome.ps1 - Downloads Chrome installer using BITSTransfer and installs it
  • - scrapes backup completion times from TSM mmbackup log entries
  • PowerCLI-VMware-FindVMsbyUUID.ps1 - One-liner powershell script to find VMs by UUID
  • - Boilerplate Python 3 logging block
  • Read-IniFile.psm1 - Function to read INI files in as a PowerShell Object
  • Remove-Notepad.ps1 - Remove Notepad++ across a fleet of machines
  • ReregisterApp.ps1 - Re-registers applications on Windows (handy when Calculator starts freezing like crazy)
  • Set-NTPtoCloudFlare.ps1 - Forces Windows 10 & 11 to use CloudFlare's NTP servers
  • Send-Pushbullet.ps1 - Pushbullet notification for uTorrent
  • Show-DiskUsage.ps1 - du -h for Windows
  • SortDropboxCameraUploads.ps1 - Takes Dropbox Camera Uploads folder and sorts everything by year/month into Photos folder
  • - AWS Lambda function to auto-shutdown instances, unless it has a specified ignoreTag
  • Update-Route53.ps1 - Powershell script to run at time of EC2 start, will update (or create) CNAME record based on instance's current public host name
  • Update-WSLDistros.ps1 - Powershell script to update all WSL distros via RMM script. Many thanks to SvenGroot's WslManagementPS script, I've simply just wrapped their good work.
  • Test-TLSConnection.ps1 - Powershell script to attempt TLS connections with specific TLS versions. Some warning - Windows registry keys may force the client to upgrade, and .NET won't tell us who forced the upgrade (Client or Server).
  • - Bash script to validate if a HTTPS server will accept a specific TLS version. Uses cURL.
  • veeam_cbtbug_fix.ps1 - workaround script for Veeam KB 2090639
  • vss_mount_and_work.ps1 - quick 'n dirty powershell shim to create and mount a VSS snapshot, do work against the snapshot, then unmount & delete snapshot afterwards.
  • WhosLoggedIn.ps1 - pull list of logged on users on the local machine
  • wmi_poll_servers.ps1 - Poll servers via WMI and extract key information into CSV/Excel

Script-specific instructions...


To be wrapped with a batch file - uTorrent calls this batch file, which then calls this PSH..

  • To setup in uTorrent
  1. Open Preferences
  2. Under Advanced, select Run Program
  3. Set "Run this program when a torrent finishes:" to " %N"

Batchfile contents:

@echo off
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -command "& { . D:\Send-Pushbullet.ps1 -Body %1 }"


Odd bits and pieces







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