Linear program solver to create an optimal diet from a large database of foods and nutritional content. Customization of food and nutrient constraints allows for more palatable combinations.
Grabs current REWE discounts and saves them in a markdown file || Holt sich aktuelle REWE-Angebote und exportiert sie in eine Markdown-Liste
openfoodbroker / noms
Forked from noahtren/nomsA fun and simple Python package that allows you to work with highly detailed nutrition data
Resources for the Energy System Modelling course by Tom Brown at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2020).
Find journey prices using the DB Sparpreise API.
A simple jQuery mobile cookbook (dedicated for the thermomix or bimby kitchen robot)
Computer players for a German card game (
✨ Kirby + Vue SPA starter: automatic routing, i18n, SEO and more!