This Node application is prodution ready. It comes with the necessary dependencies and their specific configurations.
- Node v20.15.1
- NPM 10.8.2
- TypeScript 5: for safe typings in both client and server code.
- ES module application
- Protobuf: to define client-server communication and auto generate shared types.
- Vite: to build and bundle the client application.
- ESBuild: to build and bundle the server application.
- ESLint: to lint the code.
- Jest: to test the code.
- ts-node/nodemon: to run the application in development mode with automatic reload.
- Prettier: to format the code.
- Husky: to trigger linting and formatting before commit.
- Winston: as powerful logging library.
- Single Executable Application: it is possible to compile a binary file to be executed anywhere using official Node instructions.
- VSCode launch configuration: ready to debug in VSCode.
Run the server:
cd server
npm install
npm start
Run the client:
cd client
npm install
npm run dev