Tags: pablolmiranda/influxdb
Fix race in cluster RPC serialization Point was accessed from multiple goroutines and there was a race on the the internal cachedFields and cachedName fields. Accessing these fields is unnecessary work as it requires the point to be unmarshal into Go types and then remarshaled back into protbuf types. Instead, just send the line protocol version already available on the point via the protobuf. This avoid accesssing these cached fields and eliminates some extra work. Possible fix for influxdata#4069
Merge pull request influxdata#4072 from influxdb/wal_stats Add stats for the WAL
Fix deadlock in metastore The interaction of continuous query service, the meta-store loading and initializing raft state, and syncing node info could cause a deadlock in some instances. There was an extra read-lock taken by isLeader() when it already had a read-lock. Removing this extra lock fixes the startup deadlock. Fixes influxdata#3607
Fix metafile so it doesn't get trampled by other goroutines. Fixes influxdata#3832 and fixes influxdata#3833
Ensure WAL cache gets sorted when needed. Fixes influxdata#3792
Fixes authorization. Adds GRANT and REVOKE statements for admin privilege. Adds authorization to the query endpoint.