Given a raw wav file decode any mdc1200 UNIT TAGS This project relies on the great work done by Matthew Kaufman and his project
Use is pretty simple, give a raw wave file decode and write to STDOUT all of the decoded mdc1200 tags.
Currently the processes expects a headerless 16bit signed 16000 bitrate wav file.
A compatible file can be created with the command:
sox <INFILE> -b 16 -e signed-integer -r16000 -t raw <OUTFILE>
The output is: number of frames, op code, argument, unit id Example:
~/mdc-decode$ ./mdc_decoder test_data/emsresp_20200521-140602.raw
01 01 00 4651
01 01 80 4651
01 01 00 4651
01 01 80 4651